Here Are Some Important Reasons To Eat Sesame Tahini Regularly

Here Are Some Important Reasons To Eat Sesame Tahini Regularly
Here Are Some Important Reasons To Eat Sesame Tahini Regularly

The forgotten sesame tahini has been rehabilitated again, but this time its revival is primarily due to a fashionable and healthy trend in nutrition, and the interest in the use of all kinds of natural seeds has increased.

In addition to being a modern food, it is extremely useful for the body. Tahini is obtained from ground sesame seeds as an intermediate product of sesame oil.

Sesame is the oldest oil-bearing plant known to mankind. It has been known since ancient times and has been used in medicine and cooking. There are archaeological sources that indicate that it was known as early as 3,500 BC. Sesemt was called in Egypt and was included in a list of medicines.

After the conquest of our country, divided into despotisms and kingdoms at the end of the 14th century by the Ottoman Empire, sesame has been imported to our lands. South of Stara Planina the oil-bearing plant began to be grown.

There are three main types of tahini

Here are some important reasons to eat sesame tahini regularly
Here are some important reasons to eat sesame tahini regularly

The so-called white tahini owes its color to the lack of shell. It is peeled and has a more pleasant taste than black, which is unpeeled. Black has a bitter taste, but is most useful because of the preservation of its useful substances. Among them, the brown tahini is useful.

Sesame tahini can be used daily, and can be consumed by all - children, adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers, active athletes, young people and adults. It is useful for the healthy and the sick. Used for health, beauty and longevity! Suitable for hard workers and leading an active sports life.

A suitable season for the inclusion of tahini in our menu is winter. Then the sources for obtaining useful nutrients are limited and we can get them with tahini.

Sesame is rich in various nutrients. 100 g of sesame contains 49.67 g of fat, of which the amount of polyunsaturated is 21.77 g, and monounsaturated is 18.76 g, and the content of saturated fat is 6.96 g. Fiber is 11.80 g and sugars - 0.30 g.

In addition, it is rich in minerals, with an extremely high content of calcium - 975 mg, potassium - 468 mg, magnesium - 351 mg, phosphorus - 629 mg, selenium - 34.40 mg, 14.55 mg of iron. It also contains manganese, copper, sodium, zinc.

The proteins in it are between 20 and 30 g. In addition, 100 g of sesame contains vitamin A, which is 9 IU; B vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and vitamin E.

Carbohydrates are 23.45 mg, proteins - 17.73 mg, and phytosterols are 714 mg.

Raw sesame also contains water, ash, amino acids, of which glutamine has the highest content - 3.96 g, and more argan, valine, alanine, cystine, lysine, meteonin, proline, glycine and others.

This rich range of different substances makes sesame tahini (especially black) extremely useful for human health. Its daily use can improve our health.

The reasons to consume regularly sesame tahini they are not one and two. It is a great tool for strengthening the immune system due to the rich content of vitamins B and E. B vitamins are important for the proper functioning of the body.

Vitamin B1 is a regulator of the nervous system, has a positive effect on mental abilities, supplies the brain with glucose, improves the work of the cardiovascular, endocrine and gastrointestinal systems. It is considered a vitamin of optimism and cheerfulness.

Here are some important reasons to eat sesame tahini regularly
Here are some important reasons to eat sesame tahini regularly

Vitamin B2 is involved in the production of erythrocytes. It has a good effect on the colon, is especially important for the growth and development of the body, affects its reproductive functions, hair, nails and skin.

Vitamin B3 supports the normal functioning of the digestive organs, nervous system, skin, as well as the synthesis of certain sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen.

Vitamin B4 is essential for our good memory, for muscle contractions, for limiting inflammatory processes, for maintaining the cardiovascular system.

Next in line is vitamin B5, which prolongs people's lives. But its lack leads to metabolic disorders, growth retardation, pigmentation and dermatitis on the skin.

And the last - vitamin B6, has an important role in the production of the happiness hormone serotonin.

Vitamin E is the most powerful fat-soluble antioxidant.

The high content of calcium makes regular intake of sesame tahini especially suitable for improving and strengthening the bone system. It is recommended to be consumed by people whose calcium levels are reduced. Along with high levels of magnesium and phosphorus, they help in the treatment and prevention of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and lead to bone fractures. For example, in diseases of the thyroid gland, daily intake of the drugs L-Thyroxin or Euthyrox leads to "extraction" of calcium from the body.

Calcium deficiency can be overcome if a spoonful of tahini is mixed with honey and yogurt and taken on an empty stomach, because this way the absorption of calcium becomes more complete. When there are thyroid problems or Hashimoto's thyroiditis is present, sesame seeds in tahini cannot cure but alleviate the condition. Vitamins, minerals and phytohormones contained in tahini are useful in these diseases. Therefore, it is useful to take a few teaspoons daily sesame tahini.

In addition, calcium protects the colon from cancer and relieves migraine attacks. It is suitable for use in menopausal women, women with premature and heavy menstruation. It responds well to sesame tahini and high blood pressure, increased sweating, heart disease, brain problems.

Tahini is good to be consumed by people suffering from anemia due to its high iron content, but you should not rely on it alone, as it cannot provide the required daily dose. Especially in combination with honey, sesame taxane becomes a balm for problematic stomachs. If taken in the morning on an empty stomach, it is a great prophylactic against ulcers and gastritis. In combination with cinnamon improves the body's metabolism.

The use of tahini increases the quantity and quality of sperm in men. It is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of constipation.

Here are some important reasons to eat sesame tahini regularly
Here are some important reasons to eat sesame tahini regularly

Tahini is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. During pregnancy, calcium and magnesium levels decrease, so it is necessary to take sesame tahini daily. It is preferable to sesame seeds as it increases blood flow and this can lead to bleeding.

The high content of B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, make tahini suitable for the nervous system, including depression and neurosis.

The content of unsaturated fatty acids and magnesium, whose levels are high in sesame tahini, makes it a good food for cardiovascular disease. Magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamin A have a beneficial effect on the eyes, mucous membranes, hair, nails. In addition, zinc is important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, for insulin production, for growth, for development and reproductive functions.

The presence of honey in sesame tahini leads to pain relief in rheumatoid arthritis, because this element is involved in the creation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory enzyme systems. And it gives strength and elasticity to blood vessels, joints, etc.

Black sesame tahini is also used for weight loss. The substance sesamin slows down the accumulation of fat and at the same time helps to burn the accumulated fat and suppresses appetite. When combined with the right foods such as chicken, lean fish, low-fat dairy products, seafood, it leads to good results.

One of the foods considered mandatory for gout is sesame tahini. It provides a better metabolism of the body thanks to zinc. Its role is to slow down the accumulation of uric acid in the body, and this will reduce the problem of gout.

Sesame increases the synthesis of female sex hormones, the presence of which is extremely important for the smooth transition of the female body to menopause.

According to the ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine Ayurveda, the cleansing of the liver is done with the so-called golden milk. For its production, one of the ingredients besides turmeric is honey sesame tahini.

Tahini, as we said, is suitable for all ages. Suitable even for babies. At the end of their first year, it can be included in their daily menu. Calcium is needed for the growth and strengthening of their bone system. Sesame tahini strengthens the child's body.

Tahini is high in calories, satiating and due to the tray should be taken in the morning. It is an energy bomb because it provides 3 hours of energy without consuming anything else.

Due to its high content of fat, which remains in the stomach for a long time, the body does not feel hungry. Therefore, it can be useful in diet or diet.

It is an ideal breakfast for both those leading an active life and those who rely on healthy eating.

Sesame tahini is an elixir for the body because it not only makes life better, but also prolongs its duration. Not insignificant are its wonderful taste qualities, which make it an extremely tasty product.
