Bean Pods Hide Unexpected Health Benefits

Bean Pods Hide Unexpected Health Benefits
Bean Pods Hide Unexpected Health Benefits

Bean pods are extremely useful in diabetes, edema from kidney problems, hives, joint pain and eczema. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of finely chopped dry bean pods in 3-4 teaspoons of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. After straining, drink 100 ml four times daily before meals, and it is recommended to carry out medical supervision.

Dry bean pods contain the insulin-like substance arginine, as well as asparagine, lysine, choline, silicic acid, tannins and others. Bean pods break down sugars thanks to the arginine they contain and thus lower blood sugar.

You can also eat bean pods in various vegetable recipes. If you have kidney problems and swelling, you can make a miraculous infusion of 40 g of pods in a liter of boiling water. Wait for it to cool down and drink one cup of tea three times a day.

This infusion is also very useful in watery pleurisy, chronic rheumatism, cardiovascular disease - inflammation of the lining of the heart and heart failure, accompanied by edema, high blood pressure in the initial stage. In case of nettle fever, infusion of 20 g of dried bean pods per liter of water is made.

Boil for 10 minutes and make compresses with soaked tampons. This decoction also helps with diseases of the urinary tract.

Bean pods hide unexpected health benefits
Bean pods hide unexpected health benefits

For joint pain it is very effective to take 1 kg of ripe beans and roast it. Grind and sift through a flour sieve. Divide into 4 equal parts, put 1 tbsp. in 100 ml of water and simmer for 1 minute.

Drink in small sips, finally strain the sediment and drink the strain. Drink 3 times daily before meals. Roasted beans, crushed into powder and sprinkled on the places with eczema respond very well to stubborn skin problems.
