Red Wine Protects Against Deafness

Red Wine Protects Against Deafness
Red Wine Protects Against Deafness

The healing properties of wine have long been known in ancient times. A number of medical studies prove that moderate consumption of wine, no more than one glass a day, has a positive effect on heart disease and symptoms of senile dementia. A recent study reveals that this is far from all.

A study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, USA shows that red wine can protect you from hearing loss.

According to the study's author, Dr. Michael Seidman, this is due to a chemical called resveratrol, which is found in large amounts in red grapes and red wine, respectively.


Resveratrol is a natural phenol and phytoalexin that is produced by plants. It is known to science for its well-defined anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

According to Dr. Friedman, recent studies have focused mainly on the effect that resveratrol has on the body and the body's ability to cope with trauma and injury.

Scientists have linked a number of diseases such as heart problems, Alzheimer's disease, various cancers, aging and hearing loss to the body's reduced ability to recover.

Nearly half of people over the age of 60 suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss in one or both ears. In some people, the initial signs of deafness appear between the ages of 40 and 50.

Red wine
Red wine

The cause of progressive hearing loss with age is the death of a group of cells that are in the inner ear as a result of advancing age.

Administration of resveratrol to rats has been shown to greatly reduce hearing loss due to loud noise or age-related changes.

The results of the research of American scientists are supported by earlier data of Israeli scientists. Experts from the University of Jerusalem have concluded that the simultaneous consumption of Red wine and red meat helps break down bad cholesterol.

The reason for this is that the delicious combination leads to the accumulation in the blood of a substance called malondialdehyde, which breaks down cholesterol.
