Red Wine Protects Us From Tooth Decay

Red Wine Protects Us From Tooth Decay
Red Wine Protects Us From Tooth Decay

Red wine protects us from bacteria in the oral cavity, according to a Spanish study. The drink destroys bacteria that cause tooth decay, according to the results of the study, which was quoted by the Daily Mail.

The study was conducted by experts working in the National Research Council, as the head of the study in Maria Victoria Moreno-Aribas. The publication also states that caries affects between 60 and 90 percent of people worldwide.

The trouble starts when the bacteria in the oral cavity begin to form biolayers. They are communities that are quite difficult to remove, then, if not removed, grow into plaque and produce acid, which begins to erode the teeth.

Of course, regular brushing and the fluoride contained in most toothpastes can help slow this situation and remove bacterial plaque, but only to a certain extent.


To slow the growth of bacteria, the consumption of red wine or grape seed extract is recommended. The team of scientists and their leader grew colonies of bacteria that formed plaque.

They were then immersed in various liquids, including red wine, non-alcoholic red wine, 12 percent aqueous ethyl alcohol, and red wine with grape seed extract.

Red wine (with and without alcohol) and the drink with grape seed extract proved to be the most effective in destroying bacterial cultures.

Red wine has been studied by many experts - various studies show that the alcoholic beverage is useful and protects against stroke. To avoid such a problem, it is important to eat rationally and reduce alcohol to a minimum, experts advise.

They are convinced that a glass of red wine a day will not harm us, and may even help. Experts emphasize that it is about 140 ml of red drink.
