We Need Up To 120 Grams Of Protein Per Day

We Need Up To 120 Grams Of Protein Per Day
We Need Up To 120 Grams Of Protein Per Day

The protein component of the diet is among the key ingredients of the daily menu.

The daily need for protein in the diet is up to 120 g. But this is the maximum. Usually about 70-100 g of protein is taken into the body daily, which is actually a sufficient amount.

Protein intake is especially necessary for adolescents. They undergo intensive processes of building cells and tissues. That's why they need more protein.

And if for adults the amount of protein used per day is 1.1 - 1.3 g per kilogram of body weight, then for children this rate can be increased 2-3 times.


However, not only the quantity but also the quality of the consumed proteins is important. Proteins consist of simpler compounds - amino acids, among which are the so-called. essential amino acids.

The human body cannot synthesize them on its own, so they must come from the outside.

Particularly rich in essential amino acids are animal proteins, which are part of such products as beef, cod, eggs, dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese).

Plant products contain far fewer essential amino acids than animal products. That is why vegetarianism is not always useful. When consuming only plant products, the body does not receive the required amount of essential amino acids, and this affects the synthesis of protein by the body.


For the normal course of protein metabolism, vegetarians must consume a large amount of food, which is not unimportant for the gastrointestinal tract.

Of plant products, a large amount of essential amino acids is contained in walnuts. However, they can hardly make up the main part of the food ration.

For information, we will add that burning 1 g of protein produces 4 kilocalories.

We should not forget that proteins have the so-called. specific dynamic action, i.e. accelerate the metabolism of other substances, more precisely the absorption of fats by the body.

Therefore, in various diets for weight loss, the protein ingredient must be complete, otherwise it will block fat metabolism.
