Harmful Foods High In Sugar And Sodium

Harmful Foods High In Sugar And Sodium
Harmful Foods High In Sugar And Sodium

Everyone knows that chocolate, burgers, pizza and fizzy drinks are harmful. That's why people who want to eat right avoid them.

In our daily lives, however, we consume foodwhich seem harmless to us, but actually have a bad effect on our body because they have high in sugar and sodiumwhich we do not suspect. And here they are:

Foods high in sodium

Mac and cheese

Cheese pasta has a lot of sodium
Cheese pasta has a lot of sodium

A normal serving of pasta with cheese contains over 1000 mg of sodium. To find out how much this is, let's note that in one day a person should not consume more than 1500 mg.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce

Whether you buy them canned or in a jar is irrelevant, as in both cases they will be with high sodium content (salt). Therefore, if you feel like spaghetti with tomato sauce, we recommend that you make it yourself - it will be both more useful and tastier, as you will be able to put everything you like.

Canned vegetables

Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium
Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium

Have you ever wondered how it is possible for canned vegetables to always look so fresh? Well, the answer lies in sodium (salt). Manufacturers add a large amount of salt to canned vegetables, as it will make them look fresh. Therefore, we recommend that you use fresh or frozen vegetables in your meals.

Canned soups

I don't know if you've ever eaten canned soups, but if you have, you can't help but agree that they are quite salty. This also applies to those that are said to contain little sodium. In fact, most canned soups contain more sodium than the recommended daily allowance. If you still feel like such a soup, make sure the sodium content is less than 400 mg per serving.

Potato chips

Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium
Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium

Potato chips are nothing more than a mixture of refined carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and too much sodium. That should be enough to stop you from consuming it, but there is more. Potato chips also consist of potatoes - a food rich in carbohydrates. When such foods are prepared at high temperatures, as are potato chips, acrylamide is released. Acrylamide is a tasteless, invisible by-product that animal research has shown to increase the risk of several cancers.

Foods high in sugar

Oat yogurt

In a bucket of oat yogurt of 200 ml, the amount of sugar can reach 30 g. In addition, there are various chemicals added to flavor the milk and give it a pleasant aroma.


Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium
Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium

Natural juices are considered a healthy alternative to carbonated beverages. The reason for this is that sugar is often presented as fructose and fructose-glucose syrup, which, however, contain the same number of calories as sugar - 4 calories per gram. In fact, there are many natural juices that have a higher sugar content than carbonated beverages.

Salad dressing

Many brands advertise that their dressings are fat-free or low in calories, while 2 tablespoons of their dressing may contain nearly 25 grams of sugar, which is again masked.


Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium
Harmful foods high in sugar and sodium

Muesli is the choice to start the day for many people who are trying to eat healthily. If you are one of them, we advise you to read the labels carefully so that it does not turn out that your choice is wrong. There are muesli, which contain 1-2 g of sugar per 20 g of product, but there are also those in which there are nearly 50 g of sugar per 100 g of product. So choose carefully.


Fresh fruit is considered a healthy drink, but it is not. For example, a glass of orange juice contains 8-10 g of sugar. The reason for this is that in order to make fresh fruit, several fruits are used and their sugar is transferred to the squeezed juice. But at the same time, the fiber that contains whole fruits is taken away. Therefore, we recommend that you always choose the fruit over fresh fruit.
