Why Phosphorus Is Important For The Body

Why Phosphorus Is Important For The Body
Why Phosphorus Is Important For The Body

When choosing your diet, you should always consider and pay attention to the right balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, micro and macronutrients. Each group of these components is responsible for certain processes in our body, which is why it is especially important to take all the nutrients so as not to face a number of health problems afterwards.

Why is phosphorus important for the body?

One of The important trace element for the body is phosphorus, which also involved in tissue formation. It accounts for 1% of our total weight (in adults it is about 500-700 g). Its concentration is highest in bones and teeth. However, the element is present almost everywhere, but in smaller quantities - muscles, tendons, vessels, nerves, blood plasma.

Phosphorus (P) is part of the various compounds that perform a number of important functions. For example, phospholipids (composed of phosphoric acid and fatty acids) are involved in building the cell membrane. It is these elements that help to repair damaged areas of the skin, liver, brain and other organs. If these lipids are not enough, then the regenerative processes are significantly slowed down and intercellular metabolism is disrupted.


Some of the processes where phosphorus plays a very important role are:

- Normalization of energy metabolism, which helps prevent the development of obesity, gout and diabetes;

- Regulation of acid-base balance. In addition, if the trace elements enter the body in sufficient quantities, then they actively protect the tissues and contribute to the body's resistance to infectious diseases and various systemic pathologies;

- Cell division - without P (phosphorus) it is not possible to heal wounds and restore damaged areas of the epithelium. The trace element is one of the most important molecular compounds that are responsible for the cellular structure of various organs, metabolism, transmission of genetic information, intercellular metabolism and the dissolution of various components;

- Accelerates metabolism - adequate intake of vitamins containing phosphorus and other trace elements, together help the body to more easily move metabolic processes;

- Each element plays a key role in all human processes, including phosphorus. For example, by driving the body's metabolism, phosphorus can help to lose some of your extra pounds;

- It is also important for the activity of the central nervous system. Participates in the transmission of electrical impulses along nerve fibers, on which motor activity and our psychological state really depend.

Sources of phosphorus
Sources of phosphorus

The main phosphorus sources are animal products: cottage cheese, meat, egg yolk. It is also present in cereals, legumes, pumpkin (pulp and seeds), sesame seeds, pistachios, legumes, but it is difficult for the body to digest because the intestines do not have the necessary enzyme to break down phytic compounds (in the form of which the trace element comes from plant foods). Note that the deficiency of the trace element phosphorus has a negative impact on the cardiovascular, excretory, nervous system, as well as the condition of bones and teeth deteriorates.

Constant adherence to strict diets or severe dietary restrictions can be very harmful to the body. In this way, your body is constantly under great stress, but at the same time you deprive it of important trace elements.

If you want to lose weight and maintain good health at the same time, then you should not do your own diet, but consult a nutritionist who will compile a healthy menu.
