Useful Properties Of Coriander

Useful Properties Of Coriander
Useful Properties Of Coriander

You've probably heard of the spice coriander, and it may be present in your kitchen. Coriander is an annual plant, of which dried fruits and its fresh leaves are widely used in cooking, and in Thailand even the roots are used.

The taste of fresh leaves is radically different from that of dried seeds. The leaves and stems have a fresh but very strong citrus taste, which is unbearable for many people in the world.

Ancient people have discovered that coriander is extremely useful for improving the overall condition of the body of a healthy person, and when there are problems, it has been proven that it successfully copes with gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastritis.

The fruits of the plant support the functions of the digestive system, stimulating intestinal peristalsis, thus increasing appetite and soothing pain. That is why it is used successfully as a means to eliminate gas in the stomach and to treat lazy bowels, constipation and loss of appetite.

The Ayurveda system claims that coriander improves digestion and is very likely to help improve the condition of people with Crohn's disease. The leaves also have cooling properties, which can be very useful for those who like to eat spicy.

Coriander also helps people with neurodegenerative diseases. It is also useful for eye inflammation, irritation. Compresses can be made with coriander leaves on the eyes.

Coriander powder
Coriander powder

Dioscorides, a Greek physician and author of a number of books on the healing properties of plants, believes that its use increases male potency. The founder of scientific medicine, Hippocrates, prescribed it as a medicine, but also recommended that it be used to flavor wines, which significantly increased their useful effect.

Bulgarian folk medicine recommends coriander for stomach and intestinal pain, diarrhea, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, bronchitis. Externally, the herb is used for various inflammations, boils, purulent wounds, as well as rheumatism and joint pain. In the pharmaceutical industry, the seeds are used to improve the taste of medicines.
