How To Make Colored Salt

How To Make Colored Salt
How To Make Colored Salt

Colorful salt is a traditional Bulgarian spice that is present in our traditions, customs and of course on our table. There is nothing tastier than a warm bread spread with butter and sprinkled with colored salt.

The recipes by which it is prepared are different in different parts of the country. There are people who do not sit without colorful salt on the table, use it as a spice to almost any dish.

The oldest recipe for colorful salt contains fenugreek, paprika, roasted corn, roasted pumpkin seeds and salt. Finely grind the corn, fenugreek and pumpkin seeds before mixing.

Then add one part of ground fenugreek, two parts of the remaining ingredients and salt to taste. This way you will get a delicious colorful salt, which is famous for stimulating digestion.

According to other recipes, crushed savory is added to the same ingredients. As in some parts of northern Bulgaria, they make the colorful salt only from savory, red pepper and fenugreek. In Stara Zagora they add ground raw samardala to the main ingredients.

Over time, the recipe and ingredients of the traditional Bulgarian colorful salt undergoes many changes, influenced by different tastes of people.

In addition to the ingredients mentioned so far, you can add some of the following spices such as: thyme, dill, dried parsley, basil, hot pepper, rosemary, oregano, white pepper, black pepper and others. As we have already said, everything is up to the individual taste of a person.

Colorful salt is one of the favorite spices of almost every Bulgarian, and there is no house in which it is not present. Added on a hot bread with butter, a favorite breakfast or sandwich, hot soup, boiled eggs and any other dishes, it gives a unique taste that brings notes of Bulgarian traditions.

Remaining of the old Bulgarian customs with colorful salt, bread and honey, important guests or a newborn are welcomed to make his life sweet and colorful.
