Healing Recipes With Indrishe

Healing Recipes With Indrishe
Healing Recipes With Indrishe

Indrisheto has a hemostatic and burning effect. The herb is very effective in high blood pressure, palpitations. It is often used for uterine bleeding, diabetes. The following recipe is suitable for people who suffer from persistent and dry cough:

You need 5-6 walnuts, an onion, two apples, 6 stalks of indrishe and a liter of water. The walnuts are washed beforehand and crushed together with the shells. To them add the onion, which should not be peeled - wash it, then add it whole, but first pierce it in places with a fork.

Put the two apples - whole, but also pierced with a fork. Put the stems indrishe. To all this pour a liter of cold water and put the dish on the stove. The goal is to boil the liquid in half. Then the finished decoction is drunk for a day.

If you suffer from insomnia, make a decoction of 5 leaves of the herb - pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Allow the mixture to cool, then strain it. Drink slowly and in sips before dinner.

In case of arrhythmia, make an infusion of 2 tsp. leaves of the herb and 1 tsp. boiling water. Pour and after ten minutes strain, then drink the mixture in 50 ml. The infusion should be drunk for a day.

For those suffering from hypertension, it is recommended to eat two fresh leaves of the herb 30 minutes before meals. For people who have suffered a heart attack, a recipe with indrishe and almonds helps.

You need to put a glass of unroasted almonds in cold water for a few hours and then peel their skins. After peeling, the nuts are ground in a meat grinder and placed in a suitable container.

Add 1 tsp to them. ground indrishe leaves. Add 4 ground lemons - with the peel, but it is good to remove the seeds before grinding them. A jar of honey is added to these ingredients. Finally, put tinctures of hawthorn, mint and valerian - ½ tsp.

It is good to add camphor powder - no more than a pinch. Mix the ingredients well and put the mixture in the refrigerator - eat 1 tbsp. three times a day. It must be taken before meals.
