These 3 Healing Recipes With Thistle Drive A Bunch Of Diseases Away

These 3 Healing Recipes With Thistle Drive A Bunch Of Diseases Away
These 3 Healing Recipes With Thistle Drive A Bunch Of Diseases Away

Thistle is a highly branched shrub, prickly, with black and blue fruits with a sour tart taste, which contains an abundance of vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts, organic acids, pectin, tannins and other vital substances.

It grows in dry and stony places, along roads, in bushes all over Bulgaria up to 1000 meters above sea level.

In folk medicine, the fruits of the thorn are used as a laxative, for kidney stones, hives [fever], stomach pain, diarrhea, liver disease, gastric ulcer, indigestion and diabetes.

The bark, stem and roots are used in liver disease, dropsy, shortness of breath.

Decoction of thorns

It is good to leave some thorns to dry. Drying is done in the shade.

To prepare the decoction, the fruits are crushed. Two tablespoons are poured with 500 g of water. Boil for 10 minutes and drink 3 times a day.

The decoction helps with gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, kidney disease, jaundice and more.

Wine from thorns

You need 2 kg of well-ripened thorns. Crush them.

Prepare a syrup of 3 kg of sugar and 4 liters of water. Pour over the fruit and let it ferment for about 10 days, stirring every day. Then strain through double gauze, squeezing the mash well.

Pour into bottles and close well. In about two months the wine will be clear.

Thorn jelly

Choose well-ripened thorns. Fill them with water and cook for 30 minutes, then crush the fruits with a wooden spoon and strain them through a sieve. Add 1 kg. sugar per 1 liter of strained juice.

Boil over high heat until the required density is obtained.

Thistle juice

Wash the fruits and put them in a bowl. Fill them with three liters of water. Leave to stand for 24 hours, then strain and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour over the fruit again and let stand again for 24 hours.

Strain. Add sugar to taste. When they release the required amount of juice, strain and store in a dark and cool place in glass tightly closed bottles.
