Little Tricks To Feed Your Children Healthy

Little Tricks To Feed Your Children Healthy
Little Tricks To Feed Your Children Healthy

We all like to eat delicious food and think less about the effects of unhealthy products on our menu. But when it comes to our children, it is important that their food is not only delicious but also useful. Children are still developing eating habits and it is important that we guide them to the right food.

In order for this to happen, it is good to offer them various, even exotic fruits, which they may even want to try out of curiosity. In this way, children will get used to the fact that the fruits are delicious and will even want to eat them themselves.

It is important for children and the way food is served, when the carrots are sliced into long strips and look more like orange spaghetti, the competition to suck out the most spaghetti is guaranteed, and with it eating a large portion of vitamins.

Teach your children to drink more fresh juices and freshly squeezed juices with lemon and herbal teas instead of products with added preservatives and sugars. Many teas can be made at home only by soaking fresh or dried herbs, spices, flowers and sometimes beans with a minimal amount of sugar, which can even be replaced with honey.

Healthy eating in children
Healthy eating in children

Salt and sugar should be controlled from an early age, children are inexperienced and are influenced by the tastes they encounter. If we learn to use less salt and sugar in our household, children will get into the habit and will not add salt to themselves.

When choosing a meat food, it is good to prefer pure meat rather than sausages - they contain a lot of salt and preservatives. Teach your children to eat fish, many children do not accept it, its taste is different, and they do not like the bones. Suitable in this case is hake, turbot and white fish. For the little ones, choose mostly fish fillets.

Eating pasta is inevitable, children grow up and need energy, but if we prepare pasta at home, always add one to one white and wholemeal flour or even einkorn flour.

When preparing raw cream or dessert, the addition of chia or oatmeal is suitable to lighten the dessert. When making soup or stuffing instead of rice, adding quinoa does not change the taste, but the healthy content definitely increases.

For breakfast for children, in addition to ready-made cereals, you can also offer boiled bulgur and wheat, mixed with crushed tea biscuits and powdered sugar, decorated with jelly bears. It is important that the legumes are well cooked and soft, children do not like these foods mainly because they are not prepared properly.

Children should eat fish
Children should eat fish

Include in the children's menu your goat and sheep cheese, learning a few different and delicious recipes, soufflé is very suitable for us, try eating fresh cheese, it can even be very tasty for the little ones.

There are a lot of popcorn and chips substitutes on the market right now, which you can't do without because the kids are looking at each other and want what their friend has. But it is possible to offer them banana chips or fruit popcorn, already available on the market.

You can't always make it to feed their children only healthy food. For this reason, these little tricks help us introduce them to new and different tastes and show them that healthy can be delicious.
