Planting And Growing Wild Onions

Planting And Growing Wild Onions
Planting And Growing Wild Onions

Chives are a plant with fragrant leaves and a very fine and delicate onion taste. Mainly used to season salads and certain dishes. The good thing about it is that it is suitable for growing at home.

Wild onions have aromatic leaves and reach a height of 50 cm. It is suitable for growing both in the garden and in pots. The cultivation is identical to that of ordinary onions. Consume directly, dried or frozen.

Of the wild onions, only the thin green feathers are used. Its purple-pink flowers are also edible and are most often used to decorate food. It does not tolerate heat treatment due to its delicate structure, so it is added to dishes before serving.

Growing wild onions is extremely easy. It is unpretentious to drought and humidity and rarely suffers from diseases and pests. However, it grows best in sunny places, in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil.

Wild onions
Wild onions

To grow wild onions at home, cut the bulb in the spring and plant it in a pot. Chives are also propagated by seeds. Planted by seed, in the first year will grow a small plant with from a few to 30-40 leaves.

In the second year, the noodles begin to branch. From each branch new branches are formed, as a result of which a dense tuft with a common bottom is formed.

Wild onion leaves develop in early spring. They are densely arranged, ending in a globular light purple inflorescence. The culture can stay in one place for up to 2-3 years. During the growing season, up to several harvests are obtained. Over time, onions begin to shrink.

spices in pots
spices in pots

Wild onions do not bloom with regular cutting of leaf feathers. It is best to grow in a pot or box on the balcony, as it loves sunny places. The soil he needs is well drained.

Although it is a drought-resistant plant, wild onions need to be watered regularly to grow so well its beautiful and succulent leaves, so valued by culinary masters.

And although it rarely suffers from diseases and pests, chives are a weakness of cats, so in the yard should be well kept and washed long before consumption.
