All The Health Benefits Of Balm

All The Health Benefits Of Balm
All The Health Benefits Of Balm

Lemon balm has a calming effect and is suitable for people with restless sleep. It also removes feelings of tension and excitement, anxiety and anxiety. The herb eliminates spasms in the stomach and intestines, slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure.

Decoctions of lemon balm suppress sexual arousal, improve vision. The plant is recommended for neurosis, migraine, depression. In addition, balm is suitable for duodenal and gastric ulcers, soothes gastritis, eliminates colic. Lemongrass infusion inhibits vomiting, stimulates digestion and bile secretion, improves appetite, reduces flatulence.

It can be taken for boils, toothache and gingivitis. In case of inflamed tonsils, gargle with the infusion of the plant is recommended. The herb successfully treats herpes, especially if it is used in the first 72 hours after their appearance.

Lemon balm has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - has a positive effect on stress, improves memory. The herb also has a positive effect on Alzheimer's patients, according to various studies.

Lemon balm has a calming effect on painful menstruation, rheumatic edema. Lemon balm oil is used for rheumatic and arthritic pain. The herb is often used in heart disease - stops tachycardia.

It also helps to eliminate pain in the heart, it is recommended for gout. It also works well for some forms of asthma, flu and colds. The herb soothes muscle spasms.

Lemongrass infusion is prepared with 2 tsp. balm. Pour 400 ml of boiling water, then leave for half an hour. Later strain and drink 1 cup of coffee before meals three times a day.

Lemon balm tea
Lemon balm tea

If you want to prepare a balm infusion for external use or for gargling, you need to increase the dose of the herb. In the same amount of water (400 ml) put 4 tsp. balm.

For people who suffer from restless sleep, it is recommended to drink a glass of infusion every night before bed. In case of neurosis, 2 tablespoons are boiled. balm - stalks and leaves. Pour half a liter of boiling water and leave the infusion to soak for two hours, then strain.

It is recommended to take one glass of wine three times a day. Very often balm is used in folk medicine in combination with other herbs.

The herb should not be used in large quantities by pregnant women, as well as by people who have thyroid problems. Be careful when giving infusion of lemon balm to babies and young children.

It is best to consult a specialist before using it. It is also recommended to avoid people with liver disease, acute cough or inflammation of the intestines or stomach.
