What Does The Desire For Salty Food Mean?

Video: What Does The Desire For Salty Food Mean?

Video: What Does The Desire For Salty Food Mean?
Video: Why do You Have Salt Cravings at Night? – Dr.Berg 2024, December
What Does The Desire For Salty Food Mean?
What Does The Desire For Salty Food Mean?

When you eat a certain food, it says a lot about your character and your needs. This does not only apply to pregnant women, but to absolutely all people.

If you eat salty foods such as chips and other salty delicacies, you are more likely to suffer from mineral deficiency. You probably lack calcium.

Sodium, which is found in salt, temporarily increases the level of calcium in the blood and this deceives the body, convincing it that the problem is solved. In addition to calcium deficiency, potassium and iron deficiency also leads to cravings for salty foods.

It is believed that people who love salty food are convinced that they themselves are not blacksmiths of their own destiny, and it is decided by external factors and their intervention is meaningless.

If you constantly eat chocolate because it leads you to a state of ecstasy, it is due to the release of serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Chocolate is a sweet antidepressant and your body looks for it when your own hormones of joy are low. If you are a lover of natural chocolate, you are the soul of the company and you were born to be a leader.

If you prefer milk chocolate, you are one of the quiet natures who prefer to be alone with themselves instead of in noisy company. You prefer to be with your books rather than an elite disco.


If you feel like eating spicy food, your body probably wants to sweat. This seems illogical at first glance, but it explains why people love Mexican food in the summer.

Spicy food easily becomes a food addiction because people are easily addicted to the sensations it causes: increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and intermittent breathing.

People who love spicy foods are lovers of order, do not like to waste their time in meaningless conversations. They prefer action without paying attention to detail.

If you feel like eating sweets, it means that you need to lift your spirits. You probably don't have enough energy, so you need refined sugar, which is found in desserts.

Sweet lovers act without thinking about the consequences. They are vital natures who never regret anything. Such people like to be paid attention to and feel special.

If you feel salty and sweet, then you are overtired and need glucose and sodium to keep your body working at full capacity. You are a loner, but quite talented. People who like weird combinations like chocolate chips are creative, but they are very introverted.
