The Desire To Eat Salty - Why Does It Happen?

The Desire To Eat Salty - Why Does It Happen?
The Desire To Eat Salty - Why Does It Happen?

It often happens to a person to feel strongly attraction to some food. If she is salty, a dilemma arises because everyone knows that salty is harmful.

In fact, the body's desire to acquire one or another food product means that it is self-regulating, which means good health and good tone. Therefore, the desire for something salty on the menu should not be seen as a drama.

What does the desire to eat salty food mean in practice?

Experts say that the attraction to foods well sprinkled with table salt occurs when the metabolism accelerates, with increased thyroid function or with increased physical activity. Pregnancy is also a prerequisite for such a desire.

The body tries to gather enough strength and store energy. It is not scary that one day the body will need more salty food, as long as it is compensated by an increased amount of fluids, especially more water. This is necessary because more salt means fluid retention in the body, which raises blood pressure.

The issue with is a little different salty foods during the winter season. Traditionally, our cuisine is dominated by salty foods, such as sauerkraut, various types of pickles, perishable sausages and meats, which are a major part of the menu in the season when there is a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The desire to eat salty - why does it happen?
The desire to eat salty - why does it happen?

During this period, almost 80 percent of the salt consumed is the so-called hidden salt in processed foods. In addition, in the older generation, taste buds are no longer so acute, and often these people add more salt to food to enhance the taste of products.

The increased blood pressure in most cases is due to these additional amounts of salt. Therefore, the recommendations are to limit the intake of salty, relying on the amount in the product itself, without adding more.

Everyone should be aware that the delicate balance between sodium and potassium is especially important for their health, which is disturbed by excessive salt intake. Water-electrolyte imbalances have the most severe consequences in high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and heart problems. The desire to eat salty, can be regulated and this is a matter of health, not so much of a culinary nature.
