Tricks For Fixing Salty Food

Tricks For Fixing Salty Food
Tricks For Fixing Salty Food

It is a known fact that it is better for a dish to be unsalted than to be too salty. The right amount of salt enhances the taste of each dish, but the excess salt only spoils it.

With a few tricks, however, salted food can be fixed. For example, if you overdo the salt in the broth, you can correct your mistake by adding sliced potatoes, vegetables or noodles.

If you have oversalted the soup and there is nowhere to add more vegetables or anything, add whipped egg whites. It will absorb the salt, but you must remove it immediately with a slotted spoon.

Another trick is to put rice in the soup, but in a canvas bag. Once cooked, the rice will absorb the salt and the bag can be easily removed from the pan.

You can improve the taste of the soup if you add a little sugar to it. However, this is done only when the soup is slightly salted. Some people mistakenly believe that salted soup is better by adding water.

Tomato Dish
Tomato Dish

But this not only does not save the situation, but spoils the taste of the soup and the broth acquires an unpleasant cloudy appearance. If you overdo it with salt when cooking roast meat or fish, there is also a way to fix the job.

Prepare a cream-based sauce and put the meat in it, then heat it slightly. The sauce will absorb some of the salt. In the same way you can use tomatoes in their own sauce.

Salted fish can simply be turned into a pie filling, but you should not add salt to the dough. If you have salted minced meatballs, just add grated raw potatoes or boiled rice. This will make the meatballs taste more delicate and rid them of salt.

Too salty vegetables and mushrooms are combined with the same amount of unsalted ones, covered with cream in which yellow cheese is grated, and stewed. The result is a great dish.

If you overdo the salt in the salad, just add more chopped vegetables and they will absorb the salt. However, it is best not to salt the dish too much to allow everyone to add salt to taste.
