Fresh Ideas For Spring Lunch

Fresh Ideas For Spring Lunch
Fresh Ideas For Spring Lunch

It is spring outside and with it come the first fresh vegetables and fruits. After the long winter days with tables of meat dishes and red wines, we look forward to spring dishes that will bring variety, freshness and joy to the palate. Fresh onions, garlic, spinach, dock, sorrel, and the first strawberries are now available on the market.

The variety of fresh fruits and vegetables can be perfectly combined in the preparation of a fragrant spring lunch menu. And as spring smells - it smells green.

Logically one spring lunch is to start with a spring salad. It can be traditional - from lettuce, radishes, fresh onions. You can combine with corn, avocado, boiled eggs, mozzarella. The salad may contain early cabbage, carrots, arugula and capers. And to make the salad different and even tastier, it can be flavored with fresh green spices that add flavor to any dressing. These are fresh parsley, dill, basil and mint.

Spring salad
Spring salad

Photo: Zoritsa

And a few more unusual suggestions for salads: dandelions with onions, fresh garlic, spinach roots. Combining boldly fresh spring temptations you can prepare a salad in your own style and taste, and the result can be impressive.

The next suggestion, of course, is the soup. Spring soup is usually meatless and clear, without building up to feel. Nettle, dock and spinach are an option for making spring soup in combination with green onions and rice. Very suitable for the season is zucchini soup with fresh potatoes and flavored with dill. Another option is the cream soup, in which the vegetables are mashed, and combining them is a matter of personal choice. Particularly suitable and rich in vitamins are parsley soup, vine leaf soup, potato cream soup with sorrel, quinoa soup.

Spring soup
Spring soup

Photo: Zoritsa

The ideas for a main course are also not small. Here again, spinach and nettle can be used in the form of ogreten. It is prepared by stewing, squeezing and salting about 500 g of spinach or nettle. In the dish in which the dish will be prepared, pour two or three tablespoons of oil, cut a bunch of green onions and simmer lightly. Add the greens and everything goes in the oven, stirring periodically. Add a teaspoon of paprika, then pour the mixture with a mixture of three beaten eggs, a little flour, 500 ml of milk and fresh mint. Pour the mixture over the spinach and let it bake.

Spring nettle porridge
Spring nettle porridge

Photo: Dobrinka Petkova

Dock and spinach can be prepared with rice and in the oven. Very tasty and tempting are the stewed fresh potatoes, flavored with fresh dill and garlic. A very light and pleasant potato stew is prepared from fresh potatoes and green onions. Here are some more fresh suggestions: kapama of fresh onions, moussaka with spinach, dock and sorrel puree, nettle with cheese, nettle with eggs, zucchini meatballs, sarma with vine leaves or dock leaves, fresh potatoes with chicken and cream, lamb with greens.

Spring dessert
Spring dessert

For dessert, of course - strawberries, which are irresistibly appetizing, eating them fresh, but can be included in recipes for creams, charlottes, fruit cakes. Strawberries are used to make soft and alcoholic drinks and cocktails.

Rhubarb is little known in our country, but it is used to make very pleasant cakes, giving them a slightly sour taste.
