Ideas For Autumn Salads

Ideas For Autumn Salads
Ideas For Autumn Salads

Autumn is one of the most wonderful and charming seasons. The appetizing salad is a refreshing, vitamin dish that provides us with a wide choice throughout the year, but the cooler months give us plenty of seasonal products such as apples and pears, as well as abundant ingredients such as cheese, nuts and meat.

Here are a few ideas for delicious and vitamin autumn salads.

Salad with apples and cheddar


• 1 glass of apple cider or apple juice

• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

• 1 teaspoon of honey

• 1 teaspoon of salt

• 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper

• 2 medium lettuce, cut into large pieces

• 2-3 medium apples, peeled and thinly sliced

• 1 cup roasted walnuts

• 200 g of cheddar cheese

Method of preparation:

In a bowl, mix together the apple juice, vinegar, honey, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of ground black pepper. In a salad bowl, add the lettuce and apple slices, mix well. Pour the resulting sauce over the salad and stir again. Sprinkle on top autumn salad with walnuts and cheese.


Pear salad


• 1 large lettuce, cut into bite-sized pieces

• 1 tablespoon olive oil or butter

• 2 ripe pears, peeled and cut lengthwise

• 100 ml. Apple vinegar

• 1 teaspoon of mustard

• 1 teaspoon of sugar

• Salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

1. In a large bowl, place the chopped lettuce.

2. In a non-stick pan, melt the butter or olive oil. After the fat heats up, add the pears for 10 to 15 minutes or until they start to soften and get a nice golden color.

3. Meanwhile, in the cup, mix the vinegar, mustard, sugar, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper. Add the mixture to the pan with the pears, and let it cook for about 1 minute or until the liquid starts to thicken.

4. After slightly cooling, pour the pears and the liquid from the pan into the bowl with the lettuce. Serve this delicious salad on a plate immediately.

Celery salad

Autumn salad with pears
Autumn salad with pears


• 4 stalks of celery

• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

• 2 tablespoons honey

• 1/4 teaspoon of salt

• 2 ripe pears

• 1 cup, finely diced cheddar cheese

• 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

• Freshly ground black pepper

• 2 medium lettuce

Method of preparation:

1. Soak the celery in a bowl of ice water for 15 minutes. Then squeeze it and dry it. Cut into small pieces.

2. Mix the vinegar, honey and salt in a large bowl until a homogeneous mixture. Add the pears, mix gently. Add celery, cheese and walnuts, stirring until well combined. Season with black pepper. Divide the lettuce leaves between 6 plates and pour the finished one on top delicious autumn salad. Serve at room temperature or chilled.

We are used to associating summer more with fresh vegetable dishes. But the truth is that even in cold weather you can prepare autumn salads that no one can resist.
