A Hot Dog Can Kill You: See How Harmful It Is

A Hot Dog Can Kill You: See How Harmful It Is
A Hot Dog Can Kill You: See How Harmful It Is

Food is vital to our survival. Many things depend on it, including whether or not we will be protected from cancer.

Some foods are extremely good for our health. They are essential for the fight and prevention of cancer. However, others are so detrimental to health that they can cause insidious disease.

Some of the most popular foods are also the most dangerous. Hot dogs, which are America's staple and favorite food, are one of the worst foods to eat.

In the United States, more than seven million people eat hot dogs every day. This food was originally distributed by German immigrants in the 19th century. Since then it has become extremely popular and has already become an emblem of the country. However, the truth is one - hot dogs are a real health hazard.

There is nothing natural in America's favorite food. This makes her extremely unhealthy. The so-called meat in the hot dog is a mixture of pork, beef and chicken. These are actually animal remains such as the animal's legs, heads, tissues or oily skin.

hot dog
hot dog

To make this meat tasty, it is mixed with large amounts of salt, nitrates and similar chemicals. Carmine or monosodium glutamate is added to achieve the taste. This makes the final product extremely unhealthy and even dangerous.

The latest figures from researchers at the University of Hawaii show staggering results. According to them, the consumption of this food increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%.

One of the biggest problems of the hot dog is the added nitrofats. Only they, with daily consumption of hot dogs, increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 21%.
