Happy Scotch Whiskey Day

Happy Scotch Whiskey Day
Happy Scotch Whiskey Day

For many people, there is nothing more relaxing than a glass of whiskey at the end of the work week, and luckily today, July 27, you can treat yourself to a big one, because it is National Scotch Whiskey Day.

Although its name is Scotch whiskey, the first whiskey was not produced in Scotland, but in Mesopotamia and Babylon in the 2nd century BC. At that time, the alcoholic beverage was distilled for different variations of perfumes.

It was not until the 13th century that drinking began to be produced in Italy, and very soon whiskey became as popular as wine. In the Middle Ages, a glass of whiskey was used not only for a treat, but also for healing.

However, its great popularity is due to Scotland, where in 1494 malt whiskey was produced by order of Henry VIII. 500 bottles were sent to the palace in London, and as a gift the King of England sent from the Vatican to reconcile with the Pope, who was against his second marriage to Anne Boleyn.

The Scots perfected the distillation process bequeathed to them by the Babylonians and Italians, but its taste was stronger than what we know today as Scotch whiskey. He was given the name whiskeywhich in Celtic meant water of life.

Today, the largest whiskey producers are Ireland, Scotland and the United States. In each of these countries bet on a different palette of flavors, but whichever you choose you will not go wrong, especially if you combine it with dark chocolate.
