Fast Weight Loss With Spinach Soup

Fast Weight Loss With Spinach Soup
Fast Weight Loss With Spinach Soup

With the arrival of the warm months, we begin to worry about the weight gained in the winter. There is a quick way to get rid of them, but you need desire and a little patience. We present you a very tasty green soup that will help you lose up to three kilograms in just five days.

It is a spinach soup that is not only useful but also very tasty. Spring is the season in which we can take full advantage of the qualities of the amazing leafy vegetable, which is rich in protein and carbohydrates. It contains a large amount of vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid and minerals - iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine and others. 100 grams of spinach contains only 25 calories, which makes it one of the favorite products for healthy eating and diets for weight loss.

The necessary products for the preparation of spinach soup are one kilogram of spinach, one onion, one head of celery, four parsley roots, two carrots, one glass of milk, two tablespoons of flour, one bunch of parsley (for sprinkling the finished soup), fat optional (eg oil or olive oil).

The first step is to clean and wash the spinach. Boil it in salted water, strain it and rub it. In another bowl, boil the diced vegetables - onions, celery, carrots and parsley (roots only). When they boil, strain them - you will need the vegetable broth for the soup.

Fry the flour in the heated fat for a few minutes until golden. Be careful not to burn. Add the spinach, then pour in the milk. To the resulting puree add the vegetable broth and cook for ten minutes. When the soup is ready, chop the parsley and sprinkle.

The delicious and dietary soup is ready. Eat it for lunch and dinner, taking 300 milliliters per meal. The soup can be eaten cold, but it is recommended to eat it slightly warm, but not hot. For breakfast, eat a handful of almonds - about 20 nuts. Remember to drink plenty of water. The daily intake of life-giving fluid should be about two liters.

Weight loss
Weight loss

After the end of the diet, feeding should be gradual. The first days do not eat fried, avoid fatty foods. The amount of food consumed should also be increased gradually.
