Lemon Chases Spring Fatigue

Lemon Chases Spring Fatigue
Lemon Chases Spring Fatigue

According to nutritionists, it is extremely useful to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice diluted with a little water every morning half an hour before breakfast.

It will have a tonic effect and will instantly drive away the spring fatigue, which is especially relevant this month.

In addition, lemon juice will regulate metabolism and so you will easily get rid of extra pounds. It is only required to be permanent and not to miss the procedure.

Prepare the juice yourself and drink it immediately afterwards. Here's a subtlety to get the fruit squeezed well. put half of the lemon in a glass, with the cut part towards the bottom and pour hot water over it for 1-2 minutes. Then squeeze the juice with a spoon or a simple citrus squeezer. Sweeten it with honey and drink it slowly, in small sips.

Lemon juice retains all the vitamins and trace elements. In addition, it lowers the level of bad cholesterol. In this way, among other things, you will cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and will have a good effect on your liver.

A glass of lemon juice will charge you with vitamins C, A, B, B2, P, phytoncides, potassium and more.

After squeezing the juice, do not throw the peel of the lemon. Cut them into 2-3 pieces and rub your teeth with them to make them shine. Don't do it every day because you risk damaging their enamel.

Fresh lemon peel can find another application. Wipe your face with them before going to bed, thus both cleaning and refreshing it.

Wait a few minutes, wash and apply the night cream. Do it twice a week, but no more, because it can dry out the skin of the face.
