What Are The Benefits Of Red Onion Peels

What Are The Benefits Of Red Onion Peels
What Are The Benefits Of Red Onion Peels

Everyone knows that onions are good for us and it is good to eat this vegetable often. Especially the red onion, which is recommended for diabetics because of its beneficial properties. Regular consumption regulates blood insulin levels, and this is definitely good for diabetics.

About the benefits of onions - well, but do we know what red onion peels are useful? We are sure that after reading this text, you will stop throwing onion peels!

Scientists have proven in a recent study that not only onions but also their skins are very useful. That is why we should not throw them away so carelessly and lightly, but use them. Red onion peels contain quercetin - this is an antioxidant that regulates blood pressure. In this way, cardiovascular diseases are prevented. It is the red onion, not the common one, that contains larger amounts of this compound. Quartcetin plus it helps fight cancer, has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Thanks to cracetin, the formation of polyps, various viruses, etc. can be prevented.

A study conducted by British scientists found that red onion peels contain many dietary fibers and phenolic compounds, as well as many other flavonoids. Regular consumption of flakes will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stomach problems, stomach and colon cancer, diabetes and even obesity.

But how to consume red onion peels?

Red onion peels
Red onion peels

We know that in a raw state onion peels are unpleasant and unfit for consumption. But how to consume them then, when we realized that they are so good for our health?

Peel an onion, peel it and wash it. Put them in cheesecloth, gauze or just in old tights that are torn and you will not use anymore. Tie the bag with the onion peels and put it in the dish you are cooking. This way you will extract quercetin from onions without putting the unpleasant flakes in your dish. Once you have prepared what you are cooking, just remove the bag from the pan.
