Today The Whole World Celebrates The International Tea Day

Today The Whole World Celebrates The International Tea Day
Today The Whole World Celebrates The International Tea Day

Today, December 15, is celebrated all over the world International Tea Day. The hot drink festival is relatively new and was established in 2005 by a decision of the International Social Forum.

The idea of the International Tea Day is to focus on the problems with the tea leaf trade. Smaller producers are dissatisfied with the policy of large companies, which buy the raw material at a lower price.

Apart from an economic goal, however, the tea festival further promotes the favorite drink of millions.

December 15 was not chosen by chance as official tea party. It was on this day in 1773 that the World Declaration on the Rights of Workers in the Tea Industry was adopted, and on December 16 in Boston, American colonists dumped a huge amount of pressed English tea into the ocean.

This act marked the beginning of the struggle for independence in the United States, and the destruction of the tea party in history is known as the Boston Tea Party.

The most magnificent world tea day is celebrated in India and Sri Lanka, where they organize many events in connection with today's holiday.

According to legend, the drink was first made by chance in 2737 BC. The first person to drink tea was Shen Nung, in whose cup of warm water a few tea leaves fell. He liked the incredible result.


During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, tea gained popularity and was produced more and more often. In Europe, the drink appeared in the early seventeenth century.

Although tea is made by easy technology, its taste is not the same in different parts of the world.

While in Bulgaria we pour hot water on the tea bag and add lemon, sugar or honey, in India or Great Britain tea is traditionally drunk with milk. The Indians also add various spices such as ginger, cinnamon and cloves.

In Tibet, the milk added to tea is made from Tibetan yak, with the addition of salt, butter and sometimes fried flour.

In Russia, tea is brewed in special samovars, and honey, fruit jam or sugar are added to the finished drink.

In Japan, there is a whole tea ceremony for serving the drink, which every girl in the country learns from childhood.
