Ice Cream - The Summer Temptation

Ice Cream - The Summer Temptation
Ice Cream - The Summer Temptation

Ice cream is a favorite refreshing confectionery delicacy for hot summer days. There is an extremely huge variety of ice creams on the market today.

More than 200 products are used in the production of ice cream, so there are many complex recipes. Ice creams are most often creamy, with not less than 10% fat and 16% sugar, milk - it should be 3.5-4% fat and up to 20% sugar, fruit - does not contain milk, but only natural juices, fruit puree (20-30%) and sugar (25-30%), chocolate - must contain not less than 6% chocolate or 2.5% cocoa, walnut - with 6-10% walnuts or other nuts.

Have you asked to whom we owe the ice cream delight? There are many legends about the appearance of ice cream. According to one of them, the first ice cream appeared in ancient China about 5,000 years ago. Initially, only emperors had the privilege of eating ice cream.

Their cooks mixed the delicacy of snow and ice from the mountains, additions of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds, wine or honey.

The city where ice cream was first produced and sold was romantic Paris. In 1676, 250 Parisian confectioners formed an ice cream corporation.

A century later, confectioners from Vienna published the first cookbook with different recipes for ice cream - ice cream with cream on top, and inside with added cinnamon, vanilla flavored and drizzled with cherry liqueur, ice cream with lemon, ice cream with bitter orange, ice cream with strawberries and raspberries, etc.

Today, all sorts of bizarre types of ice cream are made around the world. An ice cream house in the USA offers ice cream with avocado and black pepper, ice cream with goat cheese and figs, roasted pumpkin, black tea and lavender extract, ice cream with yellow watermelon and cactus blossom.

In Japan they are also non-traditionalists - they serve ice cream with beef tongue, ice cream with potatoes, octopus or squid, even with fish flavor. How about ice cream with whale meat, lettuce, garlic?

Delicious Ice Cream
Delicious Ice Cream

Alcohol is the main ingredient in a $ 1,000 unique ice cream made in Mexico at the Marquis Los Cabos Hotel. It tastes like luxury tequila Tequilas Premium Clase Azul Ultra and is sprinkled with 24-carat edible gold shavings.

Ice cream contains large amounts of minerals, vitamins A, B and E, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. When a person consumes ice cream, it stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. In this way a person improves his mood.

Women who stick to their figure should be calm and afford ice cream from time to time, because it can be seen as a dietary product - carbohydrates and fats in ice cream are easily processed by the body.
