Which Drinks Are Useful

Which Drinks Are Useful
Which Drinks Are Useful

Nothing can completely replace our body's need for plain water. This is the most correct and most useful source of much-needed moisture.

But there are drinks that, in addition to water, give our body many useful substances. Among them is green tea. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Green tea contains many flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants that protect cells from harmful effects and neutralize free radicals. Green tea also contains fluoride, which has a beneficial effect on bones and teeth. If it is not sweetened, it contains zero calories.

Tomato juice
Tomato juice

Mint tea is invaluable in stomach disorders, colic, helps digestion, and also facilitates the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Mint has antispasmodic action, reduces muscle pain and muscle tension. Mint tea does not contain calories if you do not sweeten it.

Milk with one percent fat is useful because it contains complex carbohydrates, protein and low fat. For this reason, it is absorbed slowly and you do not feel hungry for a long time.

Thanks to complex carbohydrates, blood sugar levels remain stable. Calcium and vitamin D, which are contained in milk, are perfectly absorbed in combination. In addition, calcium helps cells burn fat. A glass of 250 ml milk contains 120 calories.

Soy milk reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber and protein contained in soy milk reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

Orange juice
Orange juice

But if you decide to completely replace cow's milk with soy, you will not have enough calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D. If there are cases of breast cancer in your family, discuss the use of soy milk with a doctor. It contains phytoestrogens that can provoke this disease. 250 milliliters of soy milk contains 81 calories.

Hot chocolate and cocoa improve mood and protect against cardiovascular disease. Polyphenols, which protect cells from free radicals, also improve the production of serotonin, which is responsible for your smile. 250 milliliters contains 195 calories.

Tomato juice prevents the occurrence of very serious diseases and takes care mainly of men's health. The lycopene contained in it protects the heart from the effects of free radicals and protects against heart disease. 250 milliliters contains 43 calories.

Orange juice contains vitamin C, boosts immunity, protects against many diseases, including cataracts. It is a perfect source of folic acid, which is needed to prevent defects in the fetal development of the baby. 250 milliliters contains 115 calories.
