Native Nutritionists Want A Ban On Margarine

Native Nutritionists Want A Ban On Margarine
Native Nutritionists Want A Ban On Margarine

Bulgarian nutritionists insist that the sale of margarine in Bulgaria be banned by law. The reason for the insistence of experts is the high content of trans fats in these products, and trans fats are extremely harmful to health.

The request for change is supported by the Bulgarian Association for the Study of Obesity and Disease. According to Dr. Svetoslav Handjiev, who is chairman of the Association, the trans fats contained in margarines are a direct product of the hydrogenation of liquid fats.


Dr. Handjiev explains that trans fatty acids actually pose the greatest risk for cardiovascular disease. In fact, hydrogenated fats carry a ten times higher health risk than saturated fats.

Excessive consumption of margarine can lead to serious problems with metabolism and lead to an increase in bad cholesterol in the body is the opinion of Professor Stefka Petrova, a member of the Society of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Late last year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially banned the use of hydrogenated fats, declaring them harmful to human health.

Harm from Margarine
Harm from Margarine

Bulgarian nutritionists make similar demands. Their demands are supported by environmental activists in Bulgaria, who want to completely ban the use of all harmful trans fats. The Greens are pushing for a ban on trans fats, which are the basis of palm oil, vegetable confectionery cream and margarine.

Namely, they are widely used in some of the best-selling products on the Bulgarian market, incl. all kinds of waffles, cakes, puff pastry, and biscuits. Treats that parents buy daily to their children.

The statistics on the use of margarine on the Bulgarian table are more than shocking. In the last decade, this product has almost completely replaced natural cow butter from our shopping cart.

Trans fats
Trans fats

Although the ban on trans fats is becoming a worldwide trend, they are still widely used in the Bulgarian food industry, mainly due to their relatively low price.

The opinion of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) is that a distinction must be made between danger and harmfulness of products. According to BFSA experts, margarine is not harmful, but can be dangerous with prolonged use. For this reason, the BFSA cannot prohibit its sale.

According to Georgi Baldjiev, chief expert at the BFSA, the agency has no right to order the suspension of margarine from sale because it is simply an executive body that implements policies that are made elsewhere.
