Feeding - 5 Traps To Avoid

Feeding - 5 Traps To Avoid
Feeding - 5 Traps To Avoid

Nutrition is important for the condition of the body and the appearance of a person. How we eat depends largely on how we feel and what our vision will say to others. However, constant hunger and appetite can significantly darken our daily lives and make us torment ourselves as we fall into the traps of our greed.

Here are the biggest pitfalls that our own appetite leads to and ways to avoid them successfully:

Eating under stress

In the evening you can't wait to go home after a long working day and eat something juicy and tasty. During the working day you are constantly nervously chewing some saltines or waffles… And this has its solution - start playing sports!

Exercise relieves thoughts, stimulates metabolism and releases serotonin. It is the hormone of happiness that prevents appetite. If you do not have time to attend workouts or the gym, climb stairs as soon as possible and walk regularly.

Eating out of boredom

Feeding - 5 traps to avoid
Feeding - 5 traps to avoid

Who hasn't reached for a packet of chips or a snack while flipping the programs on the TV with the remote? In such a situation, you usually do not feel hungry, but need to do something that satisfies you by eating something tasty.

Try to distract yourself - just 10 minutes and the hunger will disappear. Go to a nearby yogurt shop, clean something at home, light scented candles and inhale, or start reading a new interesting book.

Food for comfort

When we are unhappy, serotonin is not at the required level, as a result of which we cram uncontrollably - ice cream, biscuits, pickles, no matter what, the important thing is to delude ourselves that appetizing food relieves us and brings pleasure. Eating and feelings are closely related, but cramming will not solve any problem.

In that case, apply self-therapy by buying something nice, listening to your favorite music, taking a walk and discover the little things outside that can make you happy. Friends you can always call and talk to are also important.

Food from fatigue

In order not to overeat as a result of fatigue, it is important to periodically give yourself a break. Even if your work is pushing, take 5-10 minutes and eat a small whole grain bar. When you are tired, the aromatic bath and foot massage with essential oils work well.

You can heat water to 37 degrees and put a few slices of orange in it. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes - it will almost certainly charge you and drive away any feeling of hunger.
