Soy Sauce From The Original To The Fake

Soy Sauce From The Original To The Fake
Soy Sauce From The Original To The Fake

It is said that soy sauce or the spice substitute for salt first appeared in ancient China in a monastery, where a group of monks decided to start a strict fast and give up flour, milk and salt altogether.

Gradually, the thick liquid began to be used by Japanese chefs, where she is still considered the queen of many dishes.

In 1965, a book appeared in one of the provinces of Japan, which described in detail the recipe for soy sauce.

Wheat grains are added to carefully selected soybeans and placed in saline solution, sealed in containers with added mold. They stay closed for 2-3 years, after which they are filtered and filled into glass bottles. Often chefs add to the resulting liquid garlic, dill and other spices that improve the taste of soy sauce.


Today, the consumption of soy sauce is too high and even in countries such as Japan and China, which are considered the author of this recipe, prepare the sauce by processing soy protein, the beans are boiled with the addition of acids, then quenched and cooled. In this way, the product can be prepared within a few hours, which allows manufacturers to constantly replenish their stocks of soy sauce and supply the shelves in supermarkets.

Soy sauce contains amino acids and vitamins, is suitable for people with diabetes and obesity, successfully replacing salt and improves the taste of ready meals.

As with any product, this one should not be overdone. From overdose and excessive use there is a risk of high blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders and thyroid pathologies.

When buying soy sauce, choose the one in a glass bottle, pay attention to the composition - it should not contain emulsifiers, yeast, sugars and other ingredients that improve and accelerate the fermentation process and are intended to extend its shelf life. In the best case, there should be only soy, wheat and salt.

Also pay attention to the color. The quality soy sauce is light brown or dark yellow, which flows slightly on the walls of the bottle, the artificial and low-quality sauce, produced with acids, has a rich dark to black color.
