Tips For Cooking Partridge

Tips For Cooking Partridge
Tips For Cooking Partridge

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Dishes prepared with partridge have long occupied a special place in cooking. Their meat has always been considered healthy because they eat natural foods.

But how many of us know how to prepare the partridge so that it retains its useful qualities and taste characteristics?

In order to make delicious dishes with partridge meat, only young birds should be used and, of course, the products should be fresh.

Fresh partridge has a dry and elastic beak, no special smell. The skin color should be yellowish, with shades of pink in places.

Immediately before cooking the bird must be processed. If frozen, defrost as usual meat.

If it has plumage, remove the feathers along with the roots, as they contain iron, which gives off an unpleasant odor.

You can then remove the head and legs. Then gut the bird and remove the entrails. Rinse thoroughly with water.

You can prepare various soups, main dishes and partridges with partridge meat. Combines well with leeks and parsley roots.

A very good combination to the dishes with partridges are all sauces and marinades prepared from aromatic herbs and fruits.

If you are frying the bird, it is best to start from the back and after it turns red, turn to the side. The back contains bitter juices and they should not get into the rest of the bird.

If everything is done correctly, then the dishes with partridge will impress both you and your guests. Here is an idea for a great dish with partridge:


Partridge in tomato sauce

Necessary products: 3-4 young partridges, 1 tsp. white wine, 1/2 tsp. butter, salt, pepper, 5 tomatoes, basil, parsley

Method of preparation: After pre-processing the partridge, cut it in half on the abdomen. Season with salt and pepper.

Put the butter in a deep pan, heat it and fry the partridge on all sides until golden.

After about 5 minutes, add the wine and 100 ml of water. Cook for about two minutes, then add the finely chopped tomatoes, without the seeds.

Add a little more water and cook until the liquids evaporate. Season with parsley and basil.
