Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids

Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids
Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids

In our time, when almost all foods are full of preservatives, colors, sweeteners and all other artificial additives, and meat is crammed with antibiotics and excessive amounts of salt, it is very difficult to decide what to eat, let alone what exactly to prepare for our children.

The choice with the preparation of the children's breakfast is especially complicated, because it should be the most complete meal of the day. That's why we offer you some ideas on how to prepare a really healthy breakfast for your sweet little one:

1. Muesli with milk

It does not matter if it will be prepared with fresh or yogurt, this breakfast ranks among the most complete and healthy snacks for your child. However, it is important not to confuse muesli with cornflakes or other cereals that are full of colors and preservatives. It is also preferable to choose muesli, which also contains fruit, as they are an additional source of vitamins.


2. Popara

Popara is a complete and healthy children's breakfast, especially if it is prepared with fresh milk or tea and not with water. Teas should be appropriate for the child's age, and the cheese added to the potpourri should be desalinated. Do not use margarine for the dish, only butter.

3. Toasted or oven-baked sandwich

To make the sandwich healthy, choose quality products to prepare it with. For young children, it is recommended to use white bread, but with age it is better to replace it with wholemeal or black, and it is best to make it homemade. Forget to grease the slices with margarine and use only fresh butter. Avoid sausages and focus on meats that are less likely to be full of preservatives, colors and excessive salt. Choose ham, fillet, bacon, etc. Sausages, pastrami and sausages are also not recommended.


4. Pancakes

They really require a little more time from parents, but they are not only useful but also healthy for children. To prevent the pancakes from being so high in calories, put the fat directly in the pancake batter and do not grease the pan in which you cook them every time. Then you can fill them with yellow cheese, cheese or meat specialty. Here again, the rule is to select only quality products.
