Golden Rules Of Healthy Eating

Golden Rules Of Healthy Eating
Golden Rules Of Healthy Eating

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From time to time we tend to indulge in larger quantities or more caloric food. This does not mean that we will break our diet. If the necessary rules are followed, we can afford something tasty.

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in preventing many diseases. One should get the necessary five servings a day of fruits and vegetables, so be sure to add them to your menu.

Focus on eating when eating. According to the motivational method of weight loss, it is not recommended to read, watch TV, have a conversation or work while eating.

So the focus is on what you are doing and as a result you will inevitably eat more food than you need and you will not be able to enjoy the taste of the food, which leads to feelings of dissatisfaction and hunger.

More and more research is proving the benefits of taking vitamins in pill form. One pill in the morning will ensure that you will not harm your health, even if you do not eat healthily during the day.

Recent studies have shown that people who regularly take multivitamins have a much stronger immune system and are more resistant to respiratory diseases.

Scientists have found that diets that allow you to eat sweets are no less effective than other strict diets, and are much more enjoyable and easier to follow.

Many sweet temptations do not contain a lot of fat, such as wholemeal toast with jam or honey, cornflakes with sugar or waffles with jam.

Eat more foods rich in carbohydrates - pasta from dark wheat, beans, lentils, oatmeal, oats, fruits and whole grain bread. Studies show that carbohydrate-rich foods stimulate insulin, a hormone that helps reduce body fat and prevent diabetes.

Do not be tempted with large portions - you should not eat more than necessary. The best way to reduce your portions is to spend the same money on products, but buy better quality products that are more expensive and you will buy less.

Change your shopping practice and start a healthy lifestyle. Fill two-thirds of the shopping cart with plant products - one-third of fruits and vegetables and one-third of bread, pasta, rice, beans or potatoes. The last third should be fresh meat, fish and low-calorie dairy products.

The idea of healthy eating is to keep us in shape, help us live longer and protect us from cardiovascular disease, diabetes or cancer.

How can we choose a healthy lifestyle if we do not take into account what we eat and the content of foods that make up our daily diet.

It is not enough to just think what it would be to eat healthier, but we must put into practice the rules below if we want to healthy eating plan of your body.

Eat healthy
Eat healthy

You will notice a big difference in terms of energy and self-esteem if you eat more fruits and vegetables, grains and foods with little or no fat. Here are a few rules for healthy eating:

Rules for healthy eating

1. Eat raw, green, fresh food. For example, a rich garden salad or raw brownies are two foods that will satiate you, but at the same time will not harm your figure.

2. Eat every four hours, whether it's a main meal or a snack. Don't starve yourself. There are many many people who eat 1 or 2 times a day trying to lose weight, but this is a gross mistake.

3. Your daily menu should be as varied as possible. It should contain more protein and fiber. They are useful and satisfying. And also dietary.

4. Don't follow every random diet you find, you need one that suits your lifestyle and body. It is best to start a diet that is recommended by a professional nutritionist after your tests.

5. Clean the skin of the meat when cooking a recipe with chicken or turkey. And then enjoy diet chicken soup or roasted turkey breast.

6. Eat fish at least once a week. Fish is a very useful and dietary food because of its content of omega-3 fatty fats. Today, salmon dishes are very fashionable among people who lead a healthy lifestyle. But if your budget allows it, you can bet on recipes with mackerel, which is cheaper.

7. Give up margarine and use butter, but in moderation. Margarine is very harmful to your whole body and you can't fit in your healthy eating.

8. Order the small (or normal) portion at the restaurant, no matter how hungry you are. If you have the opportunity to share your food with other people, you will eat less.

9. Don't overdo desserts. They are usually quite high in calories. Remember that it is only for sweetening, not a main course.

10. Use olive oil for salads, not oil. It turns out amazing when you taste zucchini salad or Greek salad with olive oil.

11. After eating, eat sour fruits such as apples or oranges. Do not eat more than 1 banana a day.

12. It is not recommended to sleep after meals. It is best to take a walk or wait 4 hours between your last meal and bed.

13. Eat as many apples and berries as possible.

Berries for healthy eating
Berries for healthy eating

14. Prepare dishes with broccoli and other green vegetables.

15. Carrots improve eyesight, eat them as a snack. Or eat carrot salad and vitamin salad more often. But remember - carrot cake does not count for healthy foodif there is harmful sugar and flour.

16. Replace sugar with honey.

17. Eat onions and garlic for strong immunity.

18. Drink homemade lemonade with lemon and honey.

19. Yogurt should be included in the diet.

20. Always eat breakfast. Healthy suggestions are classic scrambled eggs, oatmeal, omelet with mushrooms.

21. Eat healthy soup every day. About lunch. On cold days, cabbage soup is a very good idea. On hot days, bet on cold soups.

22. Choose a fruit salad instead of a cake with lots of chocolate.

23. Eat green vegetables and oranges every day.

24. Carbohydrate foods should contain rice.

25. Replace salt with squeezed lemon and fresh spices.

26. Drink less coffee a day or as dilute as possible.

27. Cook the meat as well as possible.

28. Choose wholemeal flour instead of white. Gluten-free flours should also be your priority.

29. Do not peel vegetables and fruits if they come from safe sources (local growers who grow organically).

30. Steam instead of frying vegetables.

31. Eat slowly and chew well. This contributes to better digestion. And it protects you from stomach upsets.

32. Don't shorten your lunch break. Use it to get the most out of it.

33. Cook at home, do not eat pizzas, burgers, donuts, breaded chicken from fast food places.

34. Eat avocados for a healthy fat intake. Avocado snacks are delicious and healthy.

Healthy salad
Healthy salad

35. Steam instead of cooking in the oven.

36. Freeze vegetables purchased in the fall for the winter. That way you won't pay much for your healthy eating.

37. Add seafood to a traditional salad. Mussel salad or shrimp salad are two very tasty ideas.

38. Eat boiled eggs instead of fried.

39. Drink plain water instead of soda. Drink 2 liters of water a day.

40. Avoid foods that contain more than 10 ingredients.

41. Avoid processed foods.

42. Add as many natural spices to the food as possible. Forget about bought broths. They contain many harmful ingredients.

43. Share food with others so you will consume fewer calories.

44. Eat your favorite food from time to time as a reward for your conscientious healthy eating.

45. Do not go shopping when you are hungry. Then you will take more than you need. Or you will be tempted to buy junk food.

46. Start each lunch or dinner with a salad.

47. The healthiest recipes are Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican and Greek. The Mediterranean diet too.

48. Buy food from authorized farms instead of a supermarket.

49. Make winter food instead of buying canned food from the supermarket.

50. Eat seasonal foods. For example, desserts with watermelon in the summer. Dishes with sauerkraut in winter.
