When What Tea Should We Drink?

When What Tea Should We Drink?
When What Tea Should We Drink?

A cup of tea makes our daily life more bearable and even more enjoyable. In countries like China, there is a whole tea ceremony on this occasion. Tea contains useful antioxidants that help heal the body. It strengthens the immune system, increases mental activity, reduces stress levels and helps us fall asleep.

Find out which tea best suits your needs!

For a quick rush of energy drink black tea. It contains caffeine and is useful for those of you who want to reduce coffee, but still need energy and tone. The strong scent will revitalize your senses and give you an extra incentive to work for the rest of the day.

To feel refreshed and healthy try white tea. It has a low caffeine content and the most antioxidants. As this is the least processed tea compared to other types, it has a light aroma and is not intrusive.

If you need stress reduction, try green tea. It has a natural, grassy, neutral taste that perfectly reduces stress and does not have as much caffeine as black tea.

Herbal tea
Herbal tea

Do you need Creative inspiration, take Indian tea Tea Tea. It has a rich taste palette composed of various spices. Whether you feel clean or with a little cream and honey, it should be in your cupboard at your fingertips when you need creative inspiration.

To relieve colds try fruit-aromatic tea - it can be raspberry tea, lemon tea, orange tea. Drink it for sore throat, body aches and in general for any ailment.

If necessary to quench your thirst, try barley tea or oolong iced tea. It is made from leaves prepared by partial fermentation before they are dried. This tea will satisfy your thirst on hot summer days.

Drink herbal teas the most. No matter what the herb is, it will bring you a lot of benefits. Mint, chamomile, thyme, linden, rosehip are all gifts of our nature and are an invaluable healer for people!
