Why Should You Drink Cocoa Regularly? More New Benefits

Why Should You Drink Cocoa Regularly? More New Benefits
Why Should You Drink Cocoa Regularly? More New Benefits

Cocoa is obtained from the fruits of the evergreen tree, which is found in Central and South America and Africa. The edible parts of the cocoa pods and the beans in them are subjected to drying and fermentation, after which they are processed to make cocoa powder, cocoa butter or chocolate.

Cocoa powder is brown, with a specific pleasant aroma and bitter taste and is most often used to make a hot drink.

Cocoa beans and their healing properties are widely recognized and their beneficial substances have been revered for many centuries. It is no coincidence that the Spaniards called cocoa black gold.

Cocoa contains beneficial theosterols. These are substances that in the human body are converted into useful vitamin Q, which helps treat children and adults from serious diseases.

It contains more than 300 different chemical compounds and has high antioxidant properties. It is a good source of protein, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, flavonoids, antioxidants and essential fatty acids.


All these elements, taken together, excite the natural occurrence of phytochemicals in the body, which have incredible benefits for the whole body. They lower bad cholesterol, improve heart function and reduce the risk of cancer.

Cocoa has a beneficial effect and on the health of the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure, improving vascular function and stimulating glucose metabolism.

Not to be underestimated are the benefits it brings to the brain - cocoa powder releases some hormones such as endorphins, phenylethylamine, anandamide and serotonin, also called hormones of happiness.

Recent studies have found that cocoa drinks have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and improve mobility in people over 60 years of age.

American scientists conducted a study involving 44 people suffering from peripheral arterial disease (narrowing of the arteries). They were observed for a period of 6 months, during which they consumed three cups of cocoa per day. At the end of the experiment, participants were tested for motor activity.

Cocoa drink
Cocoa drink

The results showed that older people who drank cocoa daily significantly improved their ability and endurance to travel longer distances than at the beginning of the study.

Specialists attribute this to the compound epitechin, which improves blood circulation in the calves and increases the mobility of participants for a longer time.
