Hydrating Children: What Should They Drink In The Summer?

Hydrating Children: What Should They Drink In The Summer?
Hydrating Children: What Should They Drink In The Summer?

Hydration of children is essential, especially in summer. Hot hours on the beach or long car journeys can cause dehydration.

Hydrating children in the summer

Sometimes it is not easy to closely monitor the hydration of children, especially in summer, when the problem is even more delicate. Ulysses in games, sometimes children forget to drink water. Not surprisingly, hospitalization for dehydration affects children, not just in the summer. This condition can lead to symptoms such as headaches, nausea and an increase in heart rate.

If the percentage of water in the body of an adult is about 65%, then in children this percentage increases dramatically, to over 75% for young children. Fever and gastrointestinal diseases are the most common symptoms of excessive fluid loss. Proper hydration of children in the summer is essential, as it is important for children to learn to recognize the signs early and to drink fluids often.

Children in the summer: What to drink

Water, of course, is the main source of hydration. It is important for children to drink a lot of water in the summer, because in terms of body weight, they are more needy than adults. Their hydration should be monitored closely by parents.

Hydration of children
Hydration of children

How much to drink

- From 0 to 1 year. For children at this age it is recommended to drink a little less than a liter of fluid a day.

- From 4 to 8 years. For the hydration of children aged between four and eight years need 1.6 liters of water, in summer the amount should reach two liters.

- Teenagers. In adolescence, the water requirement can easily exceed 2.5 liters for the more active.

Hydration should become a healthy habit.

Do not drink

The use of alternative water substitutes should be kept to a minimum, especially since when it comes to soft drinks, then it would be best to avoid them altogether.

Not cold water

Too cold water can cause headaches, sore throats, and digestive and stomach upsets. Therefore, it is better to keep the water at room temperature or slightly cooled. Drink slowly and often.

Signs of dehydration

When the youngest suffers from dehydration, it is crucial to learn to recognize the symptoms and seek medical attention immediately. Among the most characteristic symptoms are: severe and prolonged headache, as well as excessive fatigue. Decreased and altered urine volume may be the first of these signals.

- In a mild form of childhood dehydration, you can lose up to 5% of your weight;

- In cases of moderate severity, the weight drops to 9% and there are significant changes in diuresis, tachycardia, dry skin and mucous membranes;

- More serious situations are when the body weight decreases by more than 10% and the symptoms mentioned above appear, plus lethargy, which includes apathy, drowsiness and very slow motor activity.
