About The Benefits Of Nettle Infusion

About The Benefits Of Nettle Infusion
About The Benefits Of Nettle Infusion

Nettle infusion has been used since ancient times. Nettle has a unique composition - it is full of vitamins. Its leaves contain more vitamin C than lemon. Nettle leaves contain carotene, vitamin K and B2, as well as pantothenic acid. Nettle has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.

In folk medicine, nettle decoction is recommended for diseases of the liver and bile, colds, diseases of the respiratory system, hemorrhoids, rheumatism and gout.

Nettle decoction is drunk as a means of purifying the blood. This decoction improves the composition of the blood and is useful in the treatment of skin diseases.

Nettle decoction is very useful for your hair - it makes it shiny and thick. To do this, 100 grams of fresh nettle leaves are poured a liter of boiling water and add a tablespoon of honey. After an hour, strain.

hair loss
hair loss

Dissolve three cups of this decoction in warm water and wash your hair with it. Do not use soap during the procedure, so as not to wash away the healing effect of nettle. After drying, the hair has a gorgeous shine and silky softness.

Nettle has a healing effect on hair that falls out a lot when combing. For this purpose, 100 grams of fresh nettle leaves are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled. After boiling, remove from the heat and strain after half an hour. Add vinegar - 2 teaspoons. For ten days, the hair is rinsed with this solution.

In nervous disorders and depression, a decoction of nettle is recommended. Three tablespoons of chopped nettle leaves pour 2 cups boiling water and leave for four hours. Strain and drink the decoction in several sips seven times a day until the decoction is drunk.

This decoction also helps with periodontitis - it is used to rinse the oral cavity.

People who suffer from blood diseases, people with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis, as well as those with too thick blood, should not drink a decoction of nettle. Nettle decoction is not recommended for pregnant women as it can cause premature birth.

Nettle decoction is good for your face - it improves skin color, removes pimples and improves the condition of oily and problem skin. One hundred grams of nettle boil for five minutes in half a liter of water. Ice cubes are made from this water and the face is washed with them every morning.
