

The nettle is one of the most useful plants that nature has given to man. Folk medicine has long recognized and used nettle for medicinal purposes, and its benefits are huge and proven. Natural healers like to joke that if humanity were aware of its healing powers, they would not plant anything but nettle. In addition, there can be benefits from all parts of the nettle - root, stem and leaves.

Nettle (Urticaceae) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 150 cm, with a long creeping rhizome. This natural gift is not only rich in vitamins, minerals and tannins important for our circulatory system, but with its help delicious and healthy meals are prepared.

In the wild, nettles support more than 40 species of insects, including some butterflies, and in late summer, large numbers of seeds are a source of grain for many birds. The nettle blooms from May to September, with an upright and hardened at the base four-tubular stem, with heart-shaped and pointed leaves at the end.

There are between 30 and 45 species, mainly perennials, the most famous being the common one nettle (Urtica dionica), distributed in Europe, North Africa, Asia and North America. An interesting fact is that the first use of nettle fiber in clothing can be traced back to the Bronze Age.

During the First World War, nettle fibers were used as a substitute for cotton and for making uniforms. Various projects in Europe are trying to find ways to cultivate nettle and process its fiber for trade.

Composition of nettle

Data per 100 g of nettle: Calories 42; Total fat 0.11 g; Cholesterol 0 mg; Total carbohydrates 7.49 g; Fiber 6.9 g; Sugar 0.25 g; Protein 2.71 g; Water 87.67 ml.

The nettle is a source of beta-carotene, vitamins A, C and E, iron, calcium, phosphates and minerals. Nettle also contains more vitamin C than some cultivated plants and wild herbs, such as lettuce, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, green beans and more. The highest percentage of nettles has water, followed by proteins and sugars, most of which belong to the essential amino acids.

Fresh nettle leaves are a good source of vitamins - A, B, D, E and K, mineral salts - calcium, manganese, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium and copper, enzymes, chlorophyll and dyes. Nettle leaves are rich in tannins, pantothenic acid, sitosterol and histamine, and its rhizomes are mostly starchy.

Breaded Nettle
Breaded Nettle

Selection and storage of nettles

When choosing a nettle, focus only on the upper part of its stem, because that is where the leaves are smaller and fresher, more fragile and not as bitter as the aged leaves. Nettle likes to grow in significantly polluted places, so if you have the opportunity, buy it from organic stores or inspected places.

To make it available for cooking all year round, you can use several methods of processing nettles - drying, freezing and even canning. You should not dry the nettle in the sun, because it will lose a lot of its useful substances. Place it in a shady place and store the dried leaves in well-ventilated, dark and dry rooms. In this way the nettle can be stored for up to 2 years.

However, for culinary purposes it is best to use frozen or canned nettle, because dried loses much of its substance. The nettle should be frozen / preserved immediately after purchase. To avoid getting burned while washing it, you must wear gloves. Then place it in packets in the freezer. If you want to preserve it, know that sterilization is needed. Fill the jars with the cleaned nettle leaves, which must be tightly arranged so that excess juice does not appear.

Culinary application of nettle

Along with its proven health properties, nettle has established itself as a delicious food with which we can deliver pleasure to our senses and palate. Its culinary processing is versatile, but it is important to note that the smaller it is, the greater the amount of useful substances of nettle will get into our body.

We are usually used to including nettles in our spring menu. Many people like nettle soup, nettle stew or salad. Due to the burning needles of the nettle, it should be picked with gloves and scalded briefly before eating. Even flour can be made from nettle, and nettle tea is world-renowned for its healing properties.

Benefits of nettle

It can be said that nettle is one of the miracles that nature has given us. It is known for its astringent, expectorant, tonic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic action. Nettle is recommended as a powerful means of preventing liver, arthritis, rheumatic and kidney diseases, as well as in the treatment of allergies and anemia.

The healing power of nettle is due to its blood purifying functions.

Nettle tea
Nettle tea

Nettle decoction lowers blood sugar. Apart from the urinary tract, nettle is also useful for the urinary system, as it regulates the work of the stomach well. The world-famous healer Maria Treben strongly recommends drinking a decoction of nettle and gives a lot of information about the benefits of this herb.

Prolonged intake of the infusion from the plant strengthens the immune system and fights viral diseases and bacterial infections. Nettle tea cures problems of the urinary system. It successfully copes with sand in the kidneys and bladder, as well as in urinary retention. In most cases, the manifestation of kidney disease is associated with external eczema and severe headaches.

Nettle has also been shown to help with liver and bile problems, spleen disease (even organ tumors). The plant "cleans" the mucus in the stomach and respiratory organs, stomach cramps and ulcers. Nettle has a great effect on the respiratory tract. The intake of tea from the medicinal plant also helps with lung problems.

Consumption daily of one or two cups of tea from nettle would benefit everyone. The herbal tea increases efficiency, concentration and eliminates fatigue and exhaustion. If you eat fresh nettle, the effects will be the same. The high content of the vital element iron, which is responsible for performance and energy in the body, is a major feature of nettle.

It is better to drink a decoction of nettle without sugar. If desired, the tea can be mixed with a decoction of chamomile or mint. In addition, nettle has a proven vasoconstrictive and tonic effect on the uterus, which helps with uterine bleeding.

Beautification with nettles

In addition to health benefits and delicious food, nettle can help us deal with some cosmetic problems that will make us more beautiful. Nettle extract is widely used for rejuvenation and beautification.

Sufferers of intense hair loss can help themselves with nettle. 100 g of chopped nettle leaves are poured with 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 liters of vinegar. The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes and filtered. The night before going to bed, rinse your hair with the decoction prepared in this way.

There is a tried and tested French recipe for strengthening hair with nettle applied. Once every 1-2 weeks after washing the hair is moistened with a decoction of dried nettle leaves, which is rubbed into the scalp. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon chopped nettle, pour a glass of boiling water and soak as tea. The cooled infusion is filtered.
