Storage Of Dill, Nettle And Parsley

Storage Of Dill, Nettle And Parsley
Storage Of Dill, Nettle And Parsley

The taste of dill, nettle and parsley is an integral part of Bulgarian traditional cuisine. Here are some simple rules for storing them.

Storage of dill

Spray the dill stalks lightly along their entire length with a spray, then wrap them loosely in kitchen paper and close them in a plastic box or envelope, which are placed in the refrigerator. Thus, dill can stay fresh for up to a week or longer.

You can also trim its stems at the bottom, put them in a glass of cold water, lightly wrap the dill stalks with damp kitchen paper, and then wrap them loosely in a plastic bag or envelope on top. Thus, dill is ready for storage in the refrigerator and will not absorb the smell of other products.

Fresh fennel stalks can be frozen for up to two months, but their green color will darken afterwards. They do not need to be melted before use. Well washed and shaken from the water, the dill is placed in an upright position in a plastic bag with a zipper and is ready for freezing. Thus, it is far tastier and retains its aromatic properties when cooked before dry.


Dill seeds, in turn, are stored in a dark, dry and cool place and used for up to six months for the best taste.

Storage of nettles

Nettles should also be kept in a container of water until used. When we start cooking it, we have to wash it, scald it and cut it into as small pieces as the recipe requires.

For winter storage it can be placed in plastic bags, having previously observed the above steps: washing, scalding and slicing. It can also be chopped with the food processor raw after it has been washed, and thus prepared to be ideal for freezing, and it will have retained more of its valuable nutrients. It is good to use in the first months after freezing.


Storage of parsley

First, trim the lower ends of the parsley stalks. Make sure the leaves are completely dry. Put the parsley stalks in a jar or cup, partially filled with water, so that its level reaches half of the stems.

If you are going to put parsley in the refrigerator, cover it on top with a plastic bag, although it is best stored at room temperature. Change the water in the bowl in which the parsley is placed as soon as you notice that its color has begun to change.

The same rules are followed for freezing it as for fennel. The parsley is washed, shaken and dried well, then carefully placed in a plastic bag with a zipper, making sure that the shape of its petals is not disturbed and is ready for freezing.

Zipper bags are ideal because they do not crease and fold as easily as regular plastic bags and envelopes. They can store spices much better, where we want to keep a good natural look of the leaves and stem.
