Nettle Water - Application And All Benefits

Nettle Water - Application And All Benefits
Nettle Water - Application And All Benefits

What does it mean nettle water? This is the water in which you have soaked, boiled or steamed freshly picked or dried nettles. As the plant releases extremely valuable substances during the process of cooking or steaming, this dark greenish decoction is extremely valuable.

It contains vitamins, carotene, iron, potassium, magnesium and many other useful elements. Here's what you can do uses nettle water and what they are the benefits from her.

Nettle stops hair loss and stimulates hair growth

Use boiling water or steaming nettles several times a week in more acute conditions. Use it pleasantly warm and rub it into the roots of the hair with gentle finger movements. Then wash the whole hair with the rest. You will soon notice that your hair no longer falls out, and new and fresh locks grow from your scalp. In addition, your hair will become healthy, soft and shiny. For the same purpose you can apply and ready nettle water product, which can be found in the commercial network. It is available as a spray for spraying hair.

Nettle water - application and all benefits
Nettle water - application and all benefits

Nettle in anemia

If you are iron deficient, take it nettle water as teato get the right amount of the valuable item. You can drink at least 1-2 cups of nettle tea a day. If your taste is unpleasant, sweeten with honey. With regular intake, you will soon get enough iron to deal with anemia.

Nettle as a blood purifier

Internal reception of steamed nettle water has a strong blood purifying property. In this case, you can add yarrow, white birch leaves and other herbs to the infusion, but the combination must be prepared by an experienced herbalist. It will take into account exactly what your body needs. Purification of the blood leads to the improvement or complete cure of a number of skin diseases, including lichens, eczema, urticaria and others.

Nettle for the treatment of sciatica, arthritis, osteoarthritis

Nettle water
Nettle water

It is taken internally in the form of tea. Treats inflammation of the affected joints and reduces pain. But nettle water can also be applied externally in the form of a compress or bath. For a compress - dip clean gauze in nettle infusion and then apply to problem areas. For baths - use pre-prepared water with soaked nettle leaves. Soon the pain will subside and the inflammation will disappear.

And to add nettle to your menu more often, choose one of these tried-and-true nettle porridge recipes, nettle soup, or any of these delicious nettle recipes.
