Allergy To Bee Products

Allergy To Bee Products
Allergy To Bee Products

The honey is a natural sweetener produced by bees using nectar from flowering plants. Although mostly made of sugar, honey also contains amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants. These ingredients make honey a natural remedy.

Is there a allergy to honey and bee products? Can honey cause allergic reactions?

While honey has some natural health benefits, it is also possible for some people to develop an allergic reaction to it. When honey is produced, it may be contaminated with bee pollen or pollen from plants or trees, including:

• buckwheat

• tulips

• sunflowers

• eucalyptus

• willow

• oak

• other plants in the area

If you are allergic to pollen, you may be allergic to certain types of honey. In many cases, this makes the pollen an allergen, not the honey itself.

Symptoms of allergy to honey and bee products

Allergy to bee products
Allergy to bee products

Honey is anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. However, other plant allergens can contaminate honey. Symptoms of honey allergy may resemble common symptoms of pollen allergy, such as:

• runny nose

• sneezing

• swelling

• wet eyes

• itchy throat

• rash

• hives

• bumps on the skin

Symptoms can vary depending on the severity of your allergy.

In more severe cases, symptoms may include:

• headache

• nausea

• wheezing

• vomiting

• diarrhea

• fainting

• uneven pulse

• anaphylaxis

If you start experiencing any symptoms after consuming honey, schedule a visit to your doctor. As with many allergens, not taking treatment can lead to serious complications.

Honey is safe in many cases. However, babies under 12 months of age are not recommended to eat honey. Honey has the potential to carry Clostridium bacteria. It is harmless to older children and adults because their immune and digestive systems are already developed.

If young children ingest Clostridium, the bacteria can multiply in the gut and affect their nervous system. This condition is known as childhood botulism. Although rare, this can lead to life-threatening complications. These include muscle weakness and breathing problems. It can also be fatal.

Serious reactions in patients with pollen allergy caused by honey are rare. Commercially produced honey is filtered and pasteurized (sometimes even diluted with syrup, so the amount of bee pollen in honey is small. But bee products such as propolis, royal jelly and raw honey (for example, if you eat honey directly from honeycomb) you should probably avoid people who are sensitive to bee pollenas no one can guarantee its absence in these bee products. And if you are worried about problems with allergy to honeyplease consult your doctor.

Although honey allergies cannot be detected 100% and we all know that honey consumption is generally safe for adults, many people actually believe that eating local honey can counteract and treat allergies to these pollens by helping of the body to become tolerant of them. That is, honey acts as a booster of immunity against allergies.

Allergy to bee products
Allergy to bee products

The good effects of this local honey are best when the honey is taken in small amounts (a few teaspoons) a day for several months before the pollen season. It is said that the closer the honey is grown to where you live, the better it is for your health.

In conclusion, we all know that proteins are associated with most food allergies. Honey itself is basically simple sugars that are carbohydrates and do not cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, as explained in the above article, commercially processed honey, which contains pollen and other impurities filtered and removed, rarely causes problems. However, unprocessed raw honey may contain residual proteins that are pollinated by plants that bees visit, and pollen is a well-known, established allergen (not honey itself).

People who are sensitive to pollen should be very careful to take not only honey but all other Bee productswhich could contain the pollen allergen.
