Universal Remedy: Start The Day With A Ball Of Bee Glue

Universal Remedy: Start The Day With A Ball Of Bee Glue
Universal Remedy: Start The Day With A Ball Of Bee Glue

There are three factors that affect the immune system - food, stress and electromagnetic radiation.

Stress affects every cell in our body and it switches to combat mode. If it's only occasional, it's not that scary. But if it becomes chronic, stress makes us sick.

What can we do for our health in such a case?

It is best to eat herbs, many different fruits and vegetables from the area where we live. According to Peter Deunov, the food we consume must be within a radius of 400 km from our hometown.

Statistics show that more and more young people have a collapsed immune system. It does not function normally and we are attacked by pathogens, which are 70% of the diseases. The work of the immune system is determined by the thymus gland, which is behind the sternum and is not visible by ultrasound or X-ray. The work of the thymus gland can determine whether there are parasites in the body. It can be stimulated by tapping on the sternum or special breathing exercises.

Recommended propolis for every day. It is a powerful antibiotic. Even the Romans used it, treating their stab wounds with it to prevent infection.

natural vinegar
natural vinegar

Take cigar glue, heat it by placing it next to a radiator, and form it into a ball the size of a pea. Every morning, especially in autumn and early winter, it is swallowed with a little water. It is not chewed, but swallowed.

Bee glue is a very effective universal remedy. When measuring its energy qualities, it can be seen that they are better than many other imported immunostimulants, which are sold for BGN 60 and more.

Drink a mixture of 2 tsp every morning. natural apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey dissolved in a tea cup of lukewarm water.

Boost your immunity with propolis and be healthy all year round!
