The Real Croissant With Butter That Melts In Your Mouth

The Real Croissant With Butter That Melts In Your Mouth
The Real Croissant With Butter That Melts In Your Mouth

Smell of a bakery. On the dough, butter and milk that melts in your mouth. Irresistible taste of caramelized butter… That's it the real croissant. One of the sweet French sins that many good masters continue to do with butter. For them even today the secret of the authentic croissant lies in three words: butter, butter and butter.

Of course, the king of dough temptations has many other secrets, and one of them is that it is made from a special puff pastry. Unlike what is used for other cakes, yeast is added to the croissant. The great masters make the dough from flour, bread yeast, water, a little sugar and a little salt. When the mixture swells, the oil is inserted into it.

The real croissant with butter that melts in your mouth
The real croissant with butter that melts in your mouth

Photo: Food for the Soul

The specialists who still produce the good old croissant with butter, warm and fragrant, different from their frozen brethren, victims of industrialization, use the old technology called layering for lubrication. It requires the dough to be folded several times on itself, enclosing the butter inside. In the past, when croissants with butter began to be made en masse, there was a turner in bakeries and confectioneries, the dough inverter who was only involved in making the croissant.

These croissants from puffed puff pastry are typically French and differ from Viennese muffins, which are from Brioche type dough.

In fact, the French admit that their temptingly delicious croissant is the heir to the cute Viennese muffin. Maybe we have told you their story another time, but here is the perfect place to recall briefly how this unique cake in the shape of a semicircle appeared.

The real croissant with butter that melts in your mouth
The real croissant with butter that melts in your mouth

Legend has it that when the Ottoman Empire surrounded Vienna in the 17th century and prepared to attack at night, a Viennese baker, Adam Spiel, woke up before dawn and sounded the alarm. The city was saved, and the bakers in Vienna celebrated the victory with a horchen - small loaves in the shape of a semicircle, symbolizing the Ottoman flag.

Later, Marie Antoinette, a native of Vienna, married the French King Louis XIV and brought to Paris the semicircular Viennese muffin. Once in the territory of talented French chefs, she quickly became familiar delicious croissant.

Today it is under attack by industrialization and very often its butter is replaced by margarine. Of course, it is cheaper, but its taste could not be compared with that of a croissant with butter, which melts and leaves its aroma for a long time.

The real croissant with butter that melts in your mouth
The real croissant with butter that melts in your mouth

Photo: Food for the Soul

Thank God, there are still many bakeries and confectioneries where confectioners continue to make croissant with real butter. Many of them strive every year to achieve the perfect balance of taste during a competition for the best butter croissant. And he, the taste of butter in a croissant, is everything when combined with that of toast.
