How To Arrange Your Meals Like A Real Chef

How To Arrange Your Meals Like A Real Chef
How To Arrange Your Meals Like A Real Chef

Serving food is of great importance. To achieve a good effect we must take into account some factors. Here are ideas for a simpler way of arranging, which, however, are quite effective.

The framework of our presentation is the plate, which means that we have to choose it carefully according to the specific occasion.

It is also connected with the arrangement of food the color in the plate. It can be considered a whole art and is an important element of the presentation, especially when we serve vegetables. To preserve their fresh appearance we can blanch them. For a variety of green leafy vegetables we can use bright colors - red peppers, tomatoes, carrots. Vegetables can be cut differently for greater effect. Thus, the appearance of the dish is lively and interesting.

The contrast in the food is also created by the texture. Consider combining hard and soft, smooth and uneven, because this creates the illusion of splendor on the plate. This diversity in texture is achieved through different products or different cooking methods.

An important part of arranging food is the so-called centre of attention or in other words - the emphasis among the elements in the plate. Of course, do not think that the main element in your dishes should be positioned in the center of the plate. However, an important rule is that the highest elements should be behind the guest's point of view, and the lowest point should not be located centrally.

A little trick is to visualize a clock when we serve our guests - we put the meat at 2 o'clock, the vegetables - at 6, and the puree - at 10. This is a standard composition, and the rest are additional beautifying elements.

Tidiness and cleanliness on the plate make a great impression. Food should not be clustered in the center and should not be on the edge of the plate. It is good to look for balance in our composition. When we have pre-arranged the arrangement in the plate, it is good to wipe the end with a dry napkin.

The decoration of the dishes is varied. We choose for decoration items that are suitable for the dish. They can be located in it or processed in another way.

Rules for decorating a dish:

- We should never decorate a plate with something that is not edible;

- We should not overload the plate with decorations - the dish is important after all;

- We must be careful with the size of the decoration. The dish should be easy to eat without removing the decoration from the plate;

Let's not limit ourselves to decorating lemon peel or sprinkling with fresh parsley. We have unlimited possibilities.
