Hot Peppers In Cosmetics - Chili Instead Of Botox

Hot Peppers In Cosmetics - Chili Instead Of Botox
Hot Peppers In Cosmetics - Chili Instead Of Botox

Hot peppers They are not only used as a spice in dishes, but they can make your skin and hair more beautiful and healthy. They are high in vitamins and minerals.

Any cosmetic problem that requires the activation of blood circulation can be easily solved with the help of products containing oil or pepper extract. It is able to penetrate deep into the skin, increases blood flow and increases metabolism in the localized area.

Massage with cream, which contains ingredients from Cayenne pepper, increases blood circulation and increases the flow of nutrients to the cells.

Anti-cellulite remedies with hot pepper also help to reduce stretch marks, which often occur with weight fluctuations. Experts recommend for cellulite crushed peppers to be mixed with clay and water, this mixture should be applied to the skin with a massage.

Hot peppers in cosmetics
Hot peppers in cosmetics

Another recipe is a mixture of peppers, 4 drops of cinnamon oil, 100 g of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply on the body for about half an hour and wash off. To have an effect, it is recommended to do it at least 7-8 times a month.

The hotness of the peppers warms the scalp and contributes to better growth of the bulbs at the root itself. Super hair lotion is prepared at home, keeping a piece of pepper in the dark in 500 g of alcohol for a week. It is then filtered and applied to the hair twice a day.

Chili instead of Botox
Chili instead of Botox

The hair grows faster and a tablespoon of castor oil is added to the pepper tincture, rubbed into the hair roots and wrapped in a towel for half an hour.

Also hot peppers are a faithful helper in the fight against wrinkles. They are also a great substitute for Botox.
