Basic Rules For Sterilizing Vegetables

Basic Rules For Sterilizing Vegetables
Basic Rules For Sterilizing Vegetables

Fresh vegetables are always preferred because of their natural taste, aroma and color, as well as the content of vitamins and other nutrients. However, when their season is over, we try to keep them on our table by canning, freezing or preserving them in some other way.

Vegetables retain their nutritional composition for the longest time when they are preserved by sterilization. It is made in glass jars, hermetically sealed, or white tin cans. For home use, glass jars, which are closed manually by a stopper or with a screw, are more popular and suitable.

In order to preserve canned jars throughout the winter, some basic rules must be followed when sterilizing them.

Basic rules for sterilization of vegetables

Sterilization of jars
Sterilization of jars

Photo: Albena Assenova

1. The vegetables must be completely fresh, if possible harvested on the same day, without injury and properly ripe;

2. The jar should be filled to 1.5 cm below the upper edge of the neck;

3. The filling should be hot;

4. The water in the sterilization container should be 10 degrees above that of the jars to boil quickly;

5. The jars should be insulated from the bottom and walls of the container sterilization by wooden boards or towels;

6. If they are to be boiled with a pressure cooker, then isolation from the bottom is not necessary, but the pressure cooker itself must be isolated from them.

7. The time for sterilization to be counted from the moment of boiling the water in the vessel and to follow the instructions for each type of canned vegetables;

8. After sterilization the jars should be cooled. This can be done with a cold shower while still in the bowl, or by removing them immediately from the water and leaving them to cool.

Storage of sterilized vegetables


1. If the cap of a jar is lifted, it means that it is not hermetically sealed and its durability has been compromised. Jars with raised caps should not be stored for a long time, but should be consumed immediately.

2. Well sterilized canned food should be kept in a dry, cool and dark place.

3. It is necessary to regularly check the caps of the jars. If the lid of a jar is lifted, it means that they are spoiled because gases formed by mold and rot have lifted the lid. Their contents must be discarded.
