How To Steam Vegetables

How To Steam Vegetables
How To Steam Vegetables

Steam cooking is a technique for preparing products, which can be preparation for other heat treatment or direct consumption. Mostly vegetables are delicious and just cooked, but it's all a matter of taste.

Steaming vegetables is expressed in placing the vegetables in a pot or other deep vessel with boiling water. It is good to have a grid between the liquid and the product so that there is no contact between them. Cover the pot with a lid. A delicate treatment is obtained, thanks to which the products retain their juiciness, become fragrant and tasty, and retain their useful substances.

The secret of steam processing lies in the fact that it penetrates the product, preserving and even sharpening its taste. The pleasant aroma that is formed is a plus that complements the wonderful end result.

When steaming, vegetables can be whole or cut into large pieces. Boil until soft, which is about 20 minutes to half an hour.

If you have a special steamer, you can put vegetables on the top row and meat, fish or other product on the bottom. This way you will cook a whole dish quickly and easily.

Here are some tips you can use to prepare irresistibly delicious steamed vegetables now!

Steamed vegetables
Steamed vegetables

Add your favorite spices, such as parsley, oregano, dill, basil. They contribute to the good aroma. While hot, drop a few drops of soy sauce in water. We are all addicted to its unique taste. Be sure to do wonders with vegetables.

Pay attention to the vegetables you are going to stew. If there are sweets among them, such as carrots and peppers, for example, pre-soak them in balsamic vinegar.

You can put lemon juice or slices. Lemon is added to almost all dishes, giving them a specific taste.

So does ginger. It gives spiciness and recognizable taste. Put slices of vegetables on the bottom of the dish in which you stew the rest.

Add garlic to further whet the appetite of your loved ones. It adds spiciness and is a real temptation for the palate.

When serving steamed vegetables, you can season them with salt, pepper and olive oil. Thus, they will be ready for direct and much healthier consumption.
