Fresh Diet

Fresh Diet
Fresh Diet

This diet relies on freshly squeezed juices from various vegetables and fruits, which makes it effective. The effect on the body is fast and striking - the figure tightens, the tone increases, blood circulation and hydration of the brain improve, the skin, hair and nails become stronger.

The diet with fresh fruit will not only help you lose weight, but will also significantly improve your health.

Delicious "liquid vitamins" are able to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins and toxins from the body (and improve the color of facial skin), normalize metabolism and eliminate the signs of impaired metabolism.

"100% natural" juices are very rare in the commercial network, as described on the box. Most contain a lot of sugar and other harmful substances. Therefore, if you have decided to follow the unloading diet with fresh fruit, you must be convinced of the true content of the juice you consume.

Here is the time to mention that fresh diet does not mean 3 days to consume only fruit drinks. On the contrary. It is desirable to diversify at least once a day with fresh vegetables, as your body will need more vitamins, and do not forget that fruits also contain fruit sugar.

Diet with Fresh
Diet with Fresh

The sample menu begins with freshly squeezed apple juice, which strengthens the cardiovascular system and bones and is useful for people under active mental strain.

Helps to remove salts from uric acid and the body, activates the stomach and is an excellent tool for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases. If you start each day with citrus juice, you run the risk of getting stomach problems and heartburn.

Lunch fresh can be made from beets, carrots and parsley. Beetroot juice promotes the formation of red blood cells, increases hemoglobin and improves blood composition. Relieves hypertension, anemia and insomnia.

Carrot juice improves appetite and tooth condition, boosts immunity, calms nerves, helps with thyroid disease, atherosclerosis and dermatitis, while parsley is an effective remedy for diseases of the genitourinary tract.

For afternoon breakfast and dinner you can bet on citrus juices.
