Diet With Fresh Milk

Diet With Fresh Milk
Diet With Fresh Milk

There is no doubt that milk, whether fresh or sour, is a complete food. It not only contains essential nutrients in balanced proportions, but is also extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and more.

It is generally accepted that milk is the most easily digestible food, which does not burden the body at all, nor does it give food waste. It is recommended to be consumed daily in both healthy and sick people. The only exceptions are people who are intolerant to milk protein.

Especially fresh milk is very good when dieting, especially if it is low in fat. You can make your own milk regime with fresh milk, depending on whether you want to lose weight or strengthen your body. If the goal is not to lose weight, but to strengthen the body, you should add bread or other pasta to the milk. In both cases, however, it is important that milk is taken in smaller amounts, but several times a day.

Here we will offer you an example diet with fresh milkwhich is intended for weight loss. As it is semi-hungry, it is not good to apply it for a long period of time. In general, the only thing you need to get is low-fat milk, plain biscuits, vegetable broth and dietary cottage cheese. Here's how your day might go:

Breakfast at 8.30-9 am: 300 ml of weak herbal tea with fresh milk


Breakfast at 10-10:30: 200 ml of skim milk with a little sugar

Lunch: 400 ml of skim milk with 50 g of plain biscuits

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of weak vegetable broth with a lump of butter

Dinner: 400 ml of skim milk with 50 g of curd cream.

If you want to follow this milk regimen for 3-4 days, you can replace the milk with milk cream, caramel cream or vanilla cream for a change. If you are too hungry, add rusks or salads to the diet. However, it is recommended that you do not overdo it.

This diet contains less than 1,200 calories, including about 50 grams of protein.
