Top Tips For Preparing And Consuming Fresh Fruit

Top Tips For Preparing And Consuming Fresh Fruit
Top Tips For Preparing And Consuming Fresh Fruit

In the following you will read easy tips for reducing waste, getting more nutrients and saving time and money on the preparation of fresh fruit.

Juice or smoothie:

Fresh separates the liquid from the pulp, while the smoothie includes everything. The pulp is full of nutrients, which is why the smoothie contains more of it than the juice. But anyway, whichever option you choose, it will still be better than the juices you buy. If you are looking for the healthy side of things, you better choose a smoothie. On the other hand, the pulp has extra calories, so if you are in a period of counting each calorie, then the juice is the better choice for you.

Mixing fruits and vegetables:

According to nutritionists, fruits and vegetables are not mixed with two exceptions: carrots can be mixed with any fruit, and apples can be mixed with any vegetable.

Come on, leafy greens:

Green leafy vegetables are so full of nutrients that it is no coincidence that they are called superfoods. We need a small amount to get the necessary dose of health. Under no circumstances should you overdo it, as it can backfire and upset your stomach. To reduce the bitter taste you can add a little lemon juice.

Drink immediately:

Top tips for preparing and consuming fresh fruit
Top tips for preparing and consuming fresh fruit

Rich in nutrients fresh juice begin to disappear within a few minutes, so drink the juice immediately.

Good morning:

Studies have found that our body absorbs more nutrients in the morning. Therefore, it is a good idea to include freshly squeezed juice or smoothie in your breakfast.

Fresh for children:

Studies have found that children who take multivitamin supplements have a higher IQ. Imagine the benefits of fresh fruit, which is richer in nutrients than the best multivitamin.

Considering the increased immunity, it may be time to mix delicious and useful juice for our children and thus invest in their better future.
